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My path to animation started as soon as I began finger painting as a toddler. I never stopped making art and designs since then. Eventually, I took up acting and later film. I view animation as an extension of these childhood interests. I create performances whether they be on the stage or the camera, or made with a pencil or computer.

I realized it that I wanted to go towards being professional when I began to enjoy animating, and watched how I have changed throughout the three years. I wanted to make what I was animating better, and explore deeper into this career.

I think I realised when I was 12 when I made my first 3D intro in Blender, moving 3D words, moving camera. ever since then, I have been hooked into the visual effects entertainment industry.

After I found out as a kid that producing cool animated films and TV shows was a job that existed!

As far as I can remember as a small kid. Seen films, animations and Anime with mind-blowing VFX. Video Games are also a big inspiration for me to choose a career in the creative industry. I went to my first school at Yoobee for my Diploma in Animation. Next I got my degree from Media Design School with a Bachelor of Art and Design (3D Animation and Visual Effects). I am currently researching, creating assets and getting ideas for my own independent 3D animated series or film produced by myself.

I first realized my passion for the creative field at a young age. Participating in poetry slams and song writing competitions during primary school ignited my love for storytelling and visual expression. These early experiences inspired me to pursue a career in the creative industry.

Since I started with 3D animation when I was 15 I immediately became fascinated and obsessed with the art form. something about the workflow is incredibly intuitive to me and I cant help but get sucked in.

I am Matthew du Plessis, I hope to put ideas and bring inspirations to life in 3D, and create astonishing 3D Animations, Models, Texturing and VFX.

Ever since I learned that being a 3D Animation & VFX artist was a possibility I have had the dream to become one

It was only when I reached highschool that began taking art seriously. I found it was one of a few things I simultaneously enjoyed and thrived in - so I ran with it, and haven't stopped pushing my art since.

So in high school I took like a quiz thing for jobs that would be suited for my skills and one of the results was game developer and VFX artist, and those sounded cool af.

I realised my passion for creative media when I was a young being in awe with the images on the big screen. My aim being to pay it forwards the feelings of being transported to another world.

I remember being fascinated by films and VFX for the longest time, but it wasn't until my highschool art teacher recommended me a Weta digital artbook that I realized I wanted to work in film and VFX. I was familiar with Lord of the Rings, Avatar, King Kong and Weta's other works but I had no Idea how big a role VFX played in these films and That Weta were a New Zealand company, but ever since I have been fast tracking my learning so that one day I can be apart of The magic.

When I was younger, I read a lot of comic books and always loved the incredible art on the covers. I started sketching superheroes and other art I found online and eventually started creating my own characters. I play Dungeons and Dragons and love creating new characters and painting fantasy scenes.

I took a stab at it really. I enjoyed doing many things back in high school, art being one of them. It wasn't love at first sight or anything, but after some time of actually being exposed to it and discovering my own and other people's works, I grew attached to it. It's a process, the more I make and learn, the more appreciative and eager I am to work and belong in the creative media and entertainment industry.

In year three, I found out it is important to do more work and contribute lots of workpieces. For planning our own future, the school provided the new brief that is about the portfolio and builds up more connection with society. So that was my first time to realise how important it is to understand how do we make a connection with communities, studio or companies.

Ever since i was young, i always keen to learn new stuff, anything that allows me to express my imagination and emotions like play piano, and drawings, untill one day i see a new form of art which break the boundary of traditions , unlike traditional art where technically and artistically restrains at certain form, instead it create many possibilities, always ahead of all fashions like a tree has so many branches and it will never stop growing. I was stimulated and decide to join the industry

After finishing a Bachelor of Arts and spending a year working, I was going to move on to a teaching diploma but had second thoughts about it and thought about what I enjoyed doing. Video games came to mind and I had an epiphany, I could make my own games and art. I I looked into what courses I could do to learn how to make art for video games, as I had none in terms of visual art. Now I'm in the final year of a Technical Arts degree, working towards a career as a game artist.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative media industry when I played the original halo trilogy, the science fictional worlds and lore really brought me in. But the designs of cool weapons, characters and environment really made me want to start creating 3d models on my own. I am always inspired in anything sci fi and I am also fond of the fantasy side of design

Growing up, I have always immersed in different areas of art - traditional and digital painting, drawing, sculpting; photography; graphic design. Along the line, I developed a deep passion for film and realized my dream job would be to connect the two together and learn the art of telling a story through animation.

Growing up, I always thought to myself while playing video games and watching movies; "Wow, imagine being able to create this stuff as your job, how awesome". It was no more than a dream, and remained a dream while I studied Biomedical Science for three years. It wasn't until I neared the end of my studies that I realised that my life should be spent in a career I want to dedicate all my time and passion to, so I took the plunge and enrolled into Media Design school. The rest is history...

When I worked my first part time job and realised how boring my life would be without creation...