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I realized I wanted to work in the entertainment industry after watching the first Avatar movie. I was so mesmerized at the worlds that we could create with 3D technology, and I knew I wanted to be apart of it. I was incredibly inspired at the fact that I could bring my imagination and fantasies to life and this is exactly what I wanted to do.

When I was in high school I was given a copy of Bioshock. While playing, I whiplashed between a constant terror and astonishment at the world around me. Being in the world of Rapture was the first time playing a game felt less like a game and more like an actual experience I was living through. As I watched the credits I realized that this world was made by real people! Ever since then I've wanted to work in games to create things that look and feel like they could exist in our world.

When I realized that real life situations, as well as internal situations(such as things in the mind, like anxiety and depression) could be expressed as ideas on the screen.

I realized I wanted to work in this industry the moment I picked up my first 3D software and started playing around.

Sitting in a Borders at 16 I had the realization that I wanted to work in the film industry. But studying film production in undergrad, was not the right fit. Instead, I pursued lighting design and scenic art for theater as a career. When Covid-19 hit I looked at my skill set and what I wanted out of my career, and I finally had time to evaluate. I turned back to film, but this time animated. The skills cultivated working in live events led me to 3D art.

During my childhood, I also used to watch a lot of animated movies and TV series. It seems funny now, but I actually thought that they were real and identified with them closely as friends. I was in my 6th grade when I finally understood that these characters don’t exist in real life but are made to look real. But I guess the bug had already bitten me since I soon decided this is what I want to do as a career… create characters and stories that entertain and inspire like I was then.

When I start entering college under an art program.

Since I am a kid while watching movies with my dad. And then when I went to college in Madrid, where I studied Multimedia and Graphic Design.

Since High School, I loved film editing and wanted to study it in college!

When I took my first film studies class in high school.

I have been fascinated and creatively driven by fictional worlds and characters ever since I was old enough to understand them, and working in the games industry has always represented the natural culmination of that interest to me. Ever since I received my first game console in elementary school, I was taken in by the way that video games allowed players to explore and interact with imagined worlds rather than just observing them, and I wanted to be a part of that.

I realized that I want to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was 5-6 years old. The colors, form, shapes, lines, and adding a sense of movement to them altogether, always mesmerized me. I have this feeling that I have to pursue something in the field of animation whenever I can. And I can say that I am enjoying and satisfied with every ounce of the knowledge and timing I am investing in this field and excited to keep on learning in the future as well.

It had to be sometime in middle or high school. I had just gotten interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after seeing The Avengers. I learned what visual effects were and I knew that I wanted to be a part of making movies. I thought the visual effects were the coolest part of the film and that is definitely drew me in.

I grew up playing video games and was always fascinated by the richness of the worlds within them. I thought it was so cool that these environments, characters, lore, and culture existed in its own world so different from our own. I took a game design class freshman year and enjoyed the process of collaborating with different people with various skillsets to create a common product for people to enjoy.

When I was in high school, I saw a beautiful colorful poster and it led me to the creative field.

I have always wanted to work in a creative industry, I just needed to figure out what kind of work I wanted to do. When I first discovered Blender, I realized the unlimited possibilities of what I could create and model for films and games. My only limit was my imagination.

I think I've always known I wanted to be in the art realm. I started drawing when I was young and kept it going on and off never really committing to it enough to get really good though. I Started getting older and just had to decide on a path. Then the more I was exposed to it at University and then my own learning outside of that, I realized I made the right choice and this is something I would love to be doing professionally.

Throughout my life I've always loved telling stories. I've dabbled in creating a comic strip for a year, written a novel, and, most recently, created a few animated short films. Much of my inspiration comes from the video games I played, the comic (and regular) books that I read, and the movies I saw growing up. Stories are a great way to help people learn about new things and relate to other people, promoting empathy and understanding.