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I've always had interest in illustration and graphic design, after high school I had planned to follow a more technical career but I switched to study graphic design and artistic photography.

I have always wanted to work for the industry, ever since I met the the toy story movie. In my country, there weren't any kind of studies for 3D. But one day in the year 2021, while I was in the hospital, I saw a program on YouTube, in which everyday objects were modeled in 3D, I found it fabulous "the fact of drawing and then transforming realities". And it was there when I decided to delve into the 3D study and learn modeling in Maya.

Three years ago, when I just finished my backelor's degree, I was looking for something that makes me happy. Then I found CGI world and I started learning generally 3D skills as modeling, animation and texturing. When I finished I just wanted to know more and then I discovered Houdini and I decided to course a new master's degree with Animum to learn compositing and vfx with Nuke and Houdini. Nowadays I'm studying UE5 and looking for an opportunity to start in the industry.

Once I have been working for 4 years in a marketing company, I realized I couldn't be my whole live in that job. That's why I decided to start studying at Animum 3D school a master’s degree to improve my modelling skills, specially the organic and characters.

Hace 3 años al ver la pelicula de Avengers Infinity War, y poco después con peliculas como Ratatouille, Avatar.. que ya havia visto, pero ahora con otros ojos.

I always like different types of Art. When I was in the middle of my Videogame Development Career, that was when I tried everything and found the Game Art and specially liked the 3D Art world.

Since I was a little girl I liked to draw. I spent hours copying drawings from movies and series. One day I understood that there were people who were dedicated to it and I could do it too. It wasn't until college that I discovered the 3D creation process and fell in love. From that moment on, I have continued training to become part of this industry.

I have always been fond of the art of video games and have always paid attention to it, thinking that one day I would have to dedicate myself to it. Over the last 5 years, I have focused my studies in that direction. My main motivation comes from my enthusiasm for character or creature design. Thanks to this, I realized how much I would like to be part of those projects and be able to proudly say, 'I did that, and I love my job. Many doubted my art, but someday I will achieve it.

Hello, I am Raül Arrué and I'm 40 years old. I do not have any university degree and I have been most of my working life as a hairdresser but I have never stopped creating, drawing, modeling ... From a very young age I knew art through my father who was a sculptor. I have been self-taught for many years until finally my curiosity to know more led me to take several at Pixoledeon School, Animum 3d School and U-tad. I can say that it is never too late to fight for your dreams.

In my life I had never thought that I would study something like this or want to dedicate my future to this, it was purely by chance looking at the advertisements in a newspaper, I saw the announcement of a 3D school in Malaga called Animum. And I thought to myself: why not? Since then, in 2018 I signed up for my first master's degree at that school and I have wanted to learn more and more, in fact, this year I would finish my third master's degree!

Videogame development is my passion since I was a kid, which lead me to study every aspect of development and finally specialize in art and 3D.

It was in the second year of high school, I was quite lost and didn't know what I wanted to do. I went to a talk about videogames and the creation of videogames, and I was so impressed that from that moment on I knew I wanted to work in this world.

Hello, I'm Alex, 23 years old student from Spain. Since I was a child I have liked drawing and videogames, but I began to be interested in the world of 3D when I finished highschool, now im specialized in 3D character modeling, texturing and design.

Since I was a child I have always been very attracted to any kind of art. Drawing and making clay or plasticine figures were my favorite pastimes. I also loved playing video games or watching animated films. Currently I would like to turn these hobbies into my work.

Last year I got curious about the 3D production for animated 3D films and videogames, therefore I started a free course just out of curiosity. AND I FELL IN LOVE! I really think I found what fulfill my life. I started to think in a more professional way to learn about 3D modeling and the other disciplines that are around it. That's the reason I entered the Animum 3D courses where I have learned a lot so far. Right now I'm learning the basics, the fundamentals for 3D productions.

I always loved editing and filming videos, so in 2015 I started learning video editing with Premiere and motion graphics in After Effects. Then I entered the Graphic Design School and worked as a freelance graphic designer for many years. When I finished my graphic design studies, I moved to Barcelona to do a Motion Graphics master. My strength has always been working with real footage so in 2020 I started a compositing and VFX Master.

In 2021, I was working streaming the world animation day in Madrid, and I fell in love with 3D, From that moment I decided that I wanted to study it. It´s a simple story.

I always have been interested in this area. When I watched a movie I used to ask myself how they have done this film and imagine all the work behind it. In other words, I have been dreaming with this since I was young.

3 years ago, I saw a video on youtube about how to create 3d Models on blender and that mades me love it so I went to a 3d grade and now a master.

When a friend shows me a T-Rex he had made in class, with all the details of wrinkles in the skin and scales. I thought it was awesome and I thought I wanted to do that. At first I was quite self-taught using a famous free program and watching videos on internet, until it was time to buy a digital tablet for organic sculpting and I just fell in love.

I consider myself as a assionate and creative 3D Artist specialized as a VFX TD, with very great artistic an technical problem-solving skills. As a human though, I am the kind of person that will always steal you a smile, or offer you free advice with coffee.

I have always been a fan of video games and movies, so since I was a kid I already knew that I wanted to dedicate myself to the entertainment industry, so I decided to study 3D art.

Me encanta el mundo del cine y sobre todo la animación tanto 3D como 2D, mi peíicula favorita de la industria 3D son "Los Increíbles"

When i first study and discovered the 3D industry in school near i live about four years ago. That opened me an entire world that would end up passionating me. At that precise moment I wanted this to become at some point of my life, in my work. I know it because I am passionate about it and I always want to keep moving forward, growing and improving my skills!