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I wanted to work in the games industry, when I was sixteen years old (after I left secondary school). I had to learn art from scratch at college in 2016 (first year doing drawing), so that I was able to get a place on a games art course. My dream job is to be a 3D environment artist or 3D Artist focusing on either props or environment art.

When I was 5, I would make tiny paper Zelda items and little clay Kirbys, Goombas and Boos and I told my primary school teachers that I wanted to work for Nintendo when I grew up.

I have had an interest in filmmaking ever since I was teenager. However it wasn't until my last year of high school that I decided not to go for the musical path I was pursuing and to go for a carreer in VFX. This led me to fly across the globe from South America all the way to the UK and I could not be happier with my decision.

Since I was a kid, I always liked to play games and imagine fantasy worlds, draw landscapes and animations. I am a Games Art & Design Master student at University of Hertfordshire and looking for an opportunity to start a role in the game industry, aiming environment Art. I am keen to learn and develop my skills with other professionals and plunge into the industry which I always dreamed to work with.

I first realised I wanted to work in the games industry when I became aware of my artistic skills. However, in my school we were only taught Fine Art which I found to be some what bland, I was very much interested in playing games since a very young age and invested so much time into them that I thought it would be a good opportunity to finally use that passion to my own benefit. Therefor I combine the two interests and enrolled for a Games Art course at University of Hertfordshire.

I always liked 2D frame by frame animation as a kid, and also grew into indie comics and storytelling. There wasn't a specific point that I realised I wanted to, I always did as soon as I knew how to hold a pencil

Long time ago playing quake and interest in art gave me the idea to mix the two hobby together.

I have always had a strong passion for Film/Tv and games. Ever since my early teen years, I have had a vivid picture of what area of work I want to participate in. After finishing High School, I found a Games Design course at my local town, which I immediately gravitated too. As I applied, I felt a huge window of opportunity open up for me and knew that this was the path towards my dream career.

While attending college, I was introduced to the VFX industry and decided to do a Animation degree at University of Hertfordshire.

I knew I wanted to do something involving games and art ever since I found out it was possible! I've been slowly advancing skills involving art and technology until I landed in what I'm doing now - Environment Art, Lighting and Level Design for games.

I enrolled on a Games Design BTEC at College. They had no work to show me, and told me to try and learn the basics of Blender before i started. 5 years later and I'm now due to graduate from the University of Hertfordshire with a degree in Visual Effects for Film and TV.

During the end of my secondary studies

Ever since I was a kid playing Video Games, most notably for me Halo 1 and the continuing franchise by Bungie as I would not be standing here if it weren't for Halo. As simple as it sound I pretty much just went wow, I wanted to do this! So far with my knowledge at hand, I've been enjoying on creating landscape areas in Unreal Engine 4, utilizing and playing on the illusion of space to make the player feel as though they have entered somewhere massive or the potential of an open world area.

When I was very very young, I always adored animation and would sit in front of the VHS player drawing my favourite characters. From there I began drawing seriously and learning as much as I could before finally doing my Foundation and then Degree in Animation and Character Design. My degree has taught me so much, and pushed me to better my skills, I can only hope to keep improving and bettering my craft.

I was always attracted by the artistic industry and I slowly discovered rigging and coding which are my favourite parts! As I always loved solving problems and enjoyed maths, I discovered that I can do many things digitally and create tools or troubleshoot to help the pipeline I will be working in!

When I couldn't see a future without myself holding a pencil creating art, specifically for Games and Films.

I grew up watching Hanna-Barbera cartoons and wanting to work in games, inspired to create life through character design, after a year into my degree I realized that animation was my true passion and for the last 2 years I've been focusing on animation in pursuit of that breakthrough job into the industry.

When I was around the age of 12, I began experimenting with After Effects and its capabilities within video editing and motion graphics. I loved it, and felt I was immediately hooked! It continued to expand further, soon progressing into being an indie filmmaker for a few years before discovering Visual Effects and its capabilities within the film, TV and commercial industry. Here I spent all my time focusing on Visuals Effects, specializing on Digital Compositing.

I first realised I wanted to become a Visual Effects Artist when I helped out the drama department of my school by doing a green-screen shot of one of the actors flying through the clouds on a chariot. None of the cast were told it was going to be shown and they saw it for the first time in the dress rehearsal. They thought it was hilarious and I realised that creating reactions like that was pretty great. I'm sure if I saw the shot today I'd be really embarrassed to say I made it.

I'd always done a lot of art and designing work but I realised I wanted to be in the games industry when I learned about 3D modeling, I had initially wanted to be a programmer but found I liked modeling a lot more. I started at the University of Hertfordshire in 2016 studying Games Art & Design. I am currently working on The People's War - WW2 VR Experience.

I was exceptionally lucky with getting the opportunity to visit a games company when I was in Lower Sixth of school. Meeting the people there and realising that they were real, fairly normal people broke the illusion that this would only ever be a fantasy. I realised that I wouldn't be happy doing anything else knowing I could instead be making art for the entertainment industry. It's been my goal ever since.

I started to dabble with various 3D software and found that I really enjoyed it. It was around the time I started to think about what universities I should apply for in future and one thing led to another.

I was 12-13 years old when I decided I wanted to pursue a career in the animation/VFX industry. I have been very imvolved with the arts ever since I was very young.