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[UE4] - Project: Star Bounty
  Play by Play

[UE4] - Project: Star Bounty

Clarence Earl Panuncio Munji
by clarencezer on 9 Apr 2019

A final year project idea, with a small team of 5, we sought to push each of our skillsets to produce this world. Currently we have set it up as more of a cinematic to display the potential of an open world game, though actual playthrough is just a very linear walkthrough.

3 3078 1
Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 3 May 2019

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Update - 9 Apr 2019

Polycount Thread / 3DHit Thread

Environment Artist - Clarence Munji

Effects Artist - Kidman Lee

Character Artist - Manouk Manoukian

Creature Artist - Patricia Lopes

Generalist Artist - Nabin Phauja

Voice Recording / Editing / Misc - Clarence Munji

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