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I realized that I wanted to work in this industry 3 years ago when I started to sculpt some creatures in Zbrush.

I realised I wanted to work in the art industry when I started playing video games when I was younger, and when I started to get interested in film and how everything was done.

I was very young, I think it was Resident Evil 4 that made me ask my first questions about my professional future. I have always loved art so after studying 2D graphic designer I decided to finally get into 3D

I realized that I had a passion for the entertainment industry because of the movies and games I watched/played as a child. As soon as I found out about the process of designing characters, creatures and environments I knew that I wanted to work in the industry.

After high school I did a design school. From the beginning I realized that product design was not going to allow me to draw as much as I wanted. So I started to study my possibilities in illustration. Today I'm in New3dge, in a Concept Art class.

I drew a lot as a kid, and i liked to dive into imaginary world through books, video games, illustrations, movies or comics. So when I was teenager I naturally wanted to follow an artistic path, and this way lead me to video games industry as 3D artist.

I have always been passionate about video games, drawing, and creation of all kinds. When I was in high school, I was drawing a lot in my notebook and one of my professor advised me to search an Art school. After that, I decided to join a school training on video game graphics. Today, 7 years later, I am proud to have made this choice.

I have always loved drawing and creating things

I got interested in video games when I was a kid with the super Nintendo and Playstation 1. Since then, I've never stopped playing video games. Seeing happiness in gamers' eyes, I wanted to convey this feeling to people too by creating games!

In 2020 after graduating form my master degree in biology and realised that I wasn't fullfiled with what I did. I've always wanted to let my artisitc side grow, and find a way to use the interset I have on many subjects. Working in the industry is the perfect opportunity

I started these studies because I became interested in digital art in general, and I ended up falling completely in love with the profession.

I always fantasized about bringing characters to life

I first started in art with the ambition to be a fine art painter. But during my academic scholarship, I became interested about digital art and where it was used. I discovered how useful artist creativity and imagination could be in the entertainment industry. Creative industries give a meaning to art I enjoyed immediately, it brings teamwork with unlimited creativity and production. These industries and their artists have marked our generation in the history of art, and I want to be part of it

During high school, when in my spare time I was interested in content that explained the graphic development of video games, breakdown videos, artbooks, character sculpt lives etc.

Passionate since childhood about role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, my aim is to push back technical and artistic boundaries to deliver exceptional gaming experiences. My ultimate dream is to contribute to the creation of open-world experiences where players can fully immerse themselves, and Houdini is an essential tool for realizing this vision.

I was a SFX make up artist before. And then I met some 3D artists and decided that it was something missing in my art. So I decided to go back to school to learn those new skills.

I first started my studies with 3D modeling in product and mobility design industry as I always loved Model making. But after discovering Weta Worshop's work by the bug lab and an internship on maya I felt in love with the creative and technical part of the creative and entertainment industry.

the first time was in art school, where I was wasting my time and going around in circles. I met a former graduate who was as lost as me and who wanted to enter this field. he showed me the school website of NEW3DGE and it was a big eye-opener for me. I had found the creative universe that suited me.