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As far as I can remember, I have always wanted to work in movies industry but I really decided to concretize this dream 5 years ago by signing up at ECV school (a french school) to learn the art of create animation movies

Je m'intéresse à tout toutes les méthodes d'animation que ce soit la 2D, 3D ou le stop motion.

Well, I've always drawn, since I can carry a pen. So when I learned that there are jobs that allows you to draw all day, I thought it was made for me.

Wishing to become a car designer, I learned to use Blender as a self-taught designer to create the cars of my dreams, then I discovered the world of cgi animation and all the possibilities available to me.

Since I was young I liked to draw to tell my stories. I like to make people dream through beautiful visuals and graphics, whether it is video games, books or movies. My passion for the graphic arts was born as I discovered the world of video games very young, when I had to fight with my older brothers on the game "Tekken" to decide which one of us had to set the table. Today I specialize in concept art, and illustration as well and I'm excited to share my skills and my good mood!

The vast possibilities that 3D and CGI offer to tell stories and transmit emotions quickly interested me (as in movies and video games) so I looked into animation. I like to understand how things work and move and I am constantly searching to learn new things. This thirst for knowledge and animation supply each other in a way that I always go further in what I do and love. I am looking to learn, but I also love bringing things to life and transmit emotions and ideas.

I realised i wanted to work in the video game industry since i've discovered the Bioshock licence. I love video games, and this since my early age.

Animatrice 3D junior, je suis complètement fascinée par l'animation sous toutes ses formes et par les possibilités infinies de création et d'évolution qu'elle offre.

After a continuing Education in Applied Arts, based on graphic design, the stillness of our work bothered me so I wanted to move on to medium that would allow me to give movements, life, and all of that seemed to me the best way to tell stories. This is why I turned to animated films. I have enrolled ECV Bordeaux (France) to take a look behind the scenes. During the direction of a short film during the third year of bachelor, I was fascinated by the pre-production, particularly storyboarding.

Native from the Bassin d'Arcachon in France where i lived the major part of my childhood, i arrived in Bordeaux when i was 18 years old, it was the beginning of my studies as a Digital Artist. Fascinated about fiction since always, video games and drawings are an integral part of my youth. I strive today to produce visual elements in 3d and 2d, figment of my imagination, in order to share my universe and to improve my knowledge.

When I saw The Five legends

When I discovered ECV in 2014-2015

When I was so little. I just loved cartoons and 2D / 3D movies. I wanted to make dreams come true. So I worked as hard as I could to reach this dream. Now I'm a Master in 2D animation in ECV Bordeaux.

Working in creative industries is my life goal since I started to read comics and see artworks from The Lord Of The Rings. First I wanted to work in video game industry as a concept artist or charadesigner but I moved to ECV Bordeaux and I learned 2D animation and I changed my mind. I would still love to work for video games though but for now, I specialize in 2d animation.

I always had a special thing for complex characters; strange creatures, morally gray protagonists, horrible monsters… Moreover, I grew up attracted by any kind of art, from drawing to fashion. I didn’t knew I could make a living out of it until I found myself watching movies making-off as a child.

The independant animated short featuring the classic feline character, with my own reimaginated incarnation.

J'ai toujours voulu travailler dans un milieu créatif

I realised it when I had to think about what I would have to do in my life as a job, so... I knew it since primary school, and I was sure about it at the end of High shool I’m from ECV Bordeaux

I first realized my passion when I was learning traditional painting. Since then, I've been deeply inspired by the captivating world of 2D animation and its ability to delve into philosophical topics through art and metaphorical storytelling. So I decide to pursue my education at ECV Bordeaux, where I specialized in 2D animation. Now, I'm eager to embark on my professional journey in animation, where I anticipate immersing myself even further in this enriching and dynamic field!

Depuis le collège, j'ai réalisé pour la première fois que je voulais travailler dans les industries créatives. C'était un moment de révélation où j'ai commencé à comprendre ma passion pour l'expression artistique et la création.

I wanted to create art since i'm a child

I've always been interested in working as chara designer (especially when i first started playing MMOs). I always wanted to design the incredible characters i've playing since my childhood.