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Since childhood, I've always been drawn to creative endeavors. However, coming from impoverished circumstances, my focus shifted towards achieving financial stability rather than finding enjoyment or fulfillment in my work. It was only after attaining financial stability that I realised life is too short to not follow your dreams.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative industries when I was five years old. I was obsessed with comic books and all I have ever wanted to do since is write and draw them myself.

One of the first jobs I remember wanting to pursue in High School, was to be author. This flair for story telling morphed into a passion for cinema and In 2018 I began my journey with a camera in hand; Photography validated and solidified my creative passion leading to 2022, when I started my 3D Art & VFX journey.

My early childhood was entirely consumed by dragons, epic battles and mystical mages that I was sure art was going to be my primary industry. While life nudged me into architecture, I eventually found my way back to art and have been loving it ever since.

I wanted to be a creative in year 6. Throughout middle school and high school, I've developed the want to become part of the industry through graphic novels and through video games.

I’ve always been interested in designing my own stuff since I was young and fortunately it has carried on into my life now. Passionate to see where my art goes!

Growing up all I did was play video games and watch tv so really early on it inspired me to start creating content as well as consume it.

When I was in a lecture watching a teacher talk and show how the industry looks and the story's he made along the way, it lit a spart in me. I had no idea this existed and was originally going to do film. After that all I did was draw and watch the industry with a passion. That was 2 years ago.

High school was the first time I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry but I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do in said industry! When I first started at CDW I found a huge passion in creature design and realised then that's what I wanted to specialise in!

Since I was a teenager. I studied concept art at Feng Zhu Design Academy in 2016, and after graduating worked as a 2D animator at a Pakistani animation studio called Mano Animation studios for 3 years, and then in various companies for another 2 years. Now I'm pivoting into 3D animation, as I believe it's a better fit for my skills.

When I was 13 I picked up a sketchbook. At the time I just wanted to draw because I had all these characters and it was something I was good at. Soon I started wandering the internet and a world of possibilities suddenly came to me. I had a million ideas what I was going to do but at every point I was going to be an artist.

I first realised I wanted to work in the creative industries when I was in year 5 (about 11 years old), when my teacher told me I could draw and create things as a career. From there I studied art in high school, and I am now studying 3D animation in University.

I have always been interested in art but wasn't aware there was a course specializing in anything beyond the world of fine arts. After discovering CDW Studios I knew this was exactly the path I wanted to go into.

Year 9 2014, I was 14 When I did my work experience at cdw studios

I first realised I wanted to work in this industry when i did a certificate 2 course in 2019 that should me how much passion I have for 3D modelling or animation.

I never really clicked with any other activity or school subject outside of art and design. I'm an extremely imaginative person who can sit still for hours come up with and develop characters and stories; I've never been able to comfortably communicate my ideas verbally, so art became my way to demonstrate my ideas. I've also enjoy cartoons and movies and how passionate they make me feel; I'd love to provoke that same feeling to others with my own characters and stories.

Since I was a child I've always wanted to work in a creative area, but could never figure out where I fit. It wasn't until recently I realised the passion I have for making art for games, whether that be developing my own or working with others, I love being involved in the production of exciting video game experiences.

All my life I have adored art, but 2014 is when I discovered my true love for concept art and the beauty that lies within that world. This is when I set my sights on CDW Studios and made it my life goal to get down there to learn from some of the best. As of 2021 I have finally relocated and started the expansion of my toolset. The journey has just begun and what lies ahead is truly exiting!

I've always been captivated by the world of games, and it all began when I laid eyes upon the breathtaking art of Dark Souls III, acting as my introduction to the creative industry. I am now in Honours at CDW Studios, working towards my goal.

Can I write these later?

I have always created art throughout my life ever since I was young. I knew that I wasn't interested in most of the other industries people got jobs in, but rather I wanted to do something creative. Initially, I wanted to become an architect in year 11, however once I discovered 3D modeling in year 12 due to a VET course I was taking, I decided that the VFX Industry was where I wanted to go.

I started learning 3D in my own time on Blender in 2018. I found myself spending hours a day on personal projects and learning new things. I found Flinders University/CDW Studios and enrolled and have loved it ever since

Early on in my schooling, likely just before middle school. Found a love for monster and alien designs inspired by films Alien.

My whole life i have had an interest in drawing and creating art. It started when i was a kid, in the living room, watching spiderman, dressed up as spiderman, drawing spiderman while also using pipecleaners to create a Dr Octopus for my toy spiderman figurine to fight against. Throughout highschool, i started the digital side of art. Bought myself an ipad and thats where i really started to focus on my art. Since starting university, i have drifted away from 2D and have more of a focus on 3D.