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When I learned that I was really good at making vfx for movies I would make with friends.

Around age 12, when I began playing the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy series on PlayStation 2, I felt a powerful inward commitment to music. A favorite after-school activity of mine was finding free piano arrangements of their OSTs and attempting to play them, no matter how difficult they were to play. My experiences with game music developed a deep love for digital audio and sound design. Those games' soundtracks inspired me with a great passion for meaningful storytelling through sound.

I learned how to read when I was 4 by playing my Gameboy and I've wanted to make video games ever since.

I've always loved movies and games, so there wasn't a specific moment. Some films that have really spoken to me are Star Wars 7, Big Hero 6, and How to Train Your Dragon. Also the Legend of Zelda series!

I have always loved movies, stories, and art. For a long time I didn't think I could make a career out of it due to well meaning authorities encouraging me away from art careers, but I never found anything else that hooked my passion and imagination the way art and film does. When deciding what I would go to school for, I thought about what I would enjoy the rest of my life, regardless of money. Animation was the perfect fit. I've dedicated myself to learning and someday mastering it since then.

After watching How to Train Your Dragon

I've loved animated films my whole life, and I also love creative problem solving and technology. The animation and games industries is a perfect, exiting mix between proceduralism and creativity - and best of all, it provides a way to share stories that can help people see the world differently and inspire them to live their best lives.

After graduating high school.

Since I was 15! I have always been interested in it

I first got interested in the different crafts involved in making films during late elementary school. But it was my last year of middle school when I realized, actual people do this for a living. That year, at a STEM fair, I met some BYU students in their animation program and learned that one of the best animation schools in the country was in my backyard and within my reach.

I started making small animations on my Nintendo DSi, and from there decided that I wanted to do something in the animation industry. That was when I was 13 years old. From there, my focus and interest narrowed into modelling, texturing, and finally environment art.

I have always been interested in storytelling in every form I could find-- through books, music, films, and videogames. I consider videogames to be an incredibly immersive and personal form of storytelling that have the potential to impact every player individually over and over. Picking up old videogames brings back memories of spending time with family and remembering what inspired me to create games in the first place.

Probably the first time I saw Star Wars!

I've always had a love of storytelling, especially through movies and TV. When in college I learned that I could use my skills in Computer Science to help create 3D animated films, I knew that's what I wanted to do. I've been working hard ever since to learn as much as possible to be able to enter the industry.

I realized that I wanted to work in media and the entertainment industry when I started watching computer animated movies. I was impressed with how many different skills are needed to create animated films, and I wanted to be a part of that.

My first inspiration was The Lord of the Rings behind-the-scenes that I watched when I was 12. My current inspirations are the behind-the-scenes for The Mandalorian and Frozen 2.

I've always loved creating things in a visual medium - when I was little, I started drawing comics and cartoons, and by the time I reached high school, I realized I could make a career of that. I enrolled at BYU and joined the Computer Science: Animation program and have been fascinated with effects and scripting.

I was in my senior year of high school and had always loved the design of The Legend of Zelda series, but had not done anything to pursue that interest. So, I decided to begin drawing. I started to experiment with line, shape, and color. I moved on to university, and began taking 3d modeling classes. It was then that I realized that my future belonged to the creative industry and to crafting environments.

As a kid I was prolific in creating animations for Youtube, and I decided that I wanted to become a team player later on.

I think I always did. But I fully realized it when I was a freshman in high school.

When I was about 8 years old. I always knew I wanted to do something art related, but I specifically recall watching Sleeping Beauty and realizing right then that I wanted to be an animator.

When I was young I dreamed of being a professional artist, but the old saying "a starving artist" scared me away from it. After trying out some other things in college I decided I wanted to pursue my dream, and once I got started it felt so right.

I grew up in California close to the industry and in a family that consumed a lot of it. Close family members were involved in illustration and during a trip to Disneyland in high school I saw that my love for art and mathematics had a perfect marriage in animation. I never looked back!