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when I was 4 years old I watched Jurassic park for the first time and it took almost 20 years to get into the industry and i want to take this chance and enjoy my time making stuff that I always wanted to do.

When studying in Vancouver Film School, Foundation Visual Art & Design program, firstly wanting to work in film production but changing streams later on to 3D modelling.

I’ve been in love with animation since a kid but I never considered I could be part of this world. It always seemed so distant from my reality. Seeing examples of people that were older than me when started gave me confidence. I searched for what to do to make this dream true and here I am. So I’m graduated in Communication, post-graduated in Film Production and one year ago I opened Maya for the first time in my life... To find out what I want to be called from now on, an Animator.

My interest in animations since my childhood grew during my high school years. After the architectural education I received, I decided that the place where I belonged was creative industries. Later, I started school by winning a scholarship from VFS in department of 3D animation & visual effects with the portfolio I developed as a self-taught.

Since I was little I would watch CG movies and be amazed by how everything looked and very curious about how it all worked. When I finished high school and had to choose a Bachelor's I saw that animation was actually a career you could study, it was only after starting classes when I really realised all the possibilities there were for animation and I just completely fell in love with it. And from that point on I knew I wanted to work in the creative industry.

My first introduction to design was from skateboard companies graphics and logos. As I got older, I grew a passion for heavy metal music and horror movies, often scribbling their logos into my homework. Later in highschool in my film studies class I was shown the film Seven. After seeing Kyle Cooper’s legendary title sequence for the first time I was hooked into the world of motion design and visual identities; that is where my journey began.

After working 10 years in a job, I wasn't passionate about. I decided to move toward an industry that would spark my creativity and enjoyment. So I began building my skills toward working in Video Games. Earning a certificate of creative writing and a diploma in game design to help get me started.

When I was 14 I started writing, a couple of years later I decided I'd be part of the creative and entertainment industry to be able to inspire people with the stories I create.

When I was growing up, my younger brother and I would play video games together all the time, whether with friends or together. As I got older, my appreciation and interest grew with each new console release. I always joked that I would make games for a living! When the pandemic hit, I saw it as an opportunity to switch careers, which led me to take the Game Design program at VFS remotely while it was available. This was the first step in doing what young Nick always dreamed and joked about!

I am a designer who is passionate about creating enjoyable experiences for players and I am always excited about the next new project. I have experience in Unity, Unreal Engine 4, GIT and Source Tree. Some of my past experiences include working as a Level Designer as well as an AI Designer. I am very good at communicating and working in a team. working for 10 years in the service industry as a chef has taught me how to handle high pressure situations and effectively communicating with my team.

I have always wanted to be a writer since I was younger. I spent a lot of time after high school playing games since I didn't know what to do. After playing them long enough I wanted to know more about how they were made and how I could have a hand in making them.

The time I realized I was getting better at drawing and enjoying it at the same time!

Growing up I have always shown great amount of interests in animated films and fantasy genre movies. I remember sitting down in a movie theatre 12 years ago with a 3D glasses on seeing the Avatar movie for the first time. It was an eye-opening moment for me, for I remember that that was one of the things that I'd like to be able to learn and create. From then on, I've been pursuing this path and will not stop learning and improving my skills.

Since I was a young lad watching the moving pictures on the television.

I entered the animation industry 3 years ago and I went to the Vancouver Film School last year to study 3D animation.and I learn VFX by myself last of six month

Thinking back on it I believe it was after watching the movie Avatar. I was blown away by not only the visuals but the story and world building as well. However it wasn't until a few years later that I realized it was something I wanted to pursue. After that point, I dove into teaching my self the craft that would one day allow me to play a role in creating those breathtaking worlds.

It was during the second to the last years of high school when I started to think through the skills and aspirations that interest me. It was during these years that I pondered back on what I was inspired to be and I landed on being an inventor, but I knew fully that amount of effort and drive would be astronomical to break into such fields, so I landed on 3D arts as I enjoyed the process of making and creating. That is what has to lead me to this point.

When I first saw Crysis Trailer back in 2006

I switched career from Logistics to VFX industry since 2019.

When I was kid, that was frist time to watch the movie "Jurassic Park" at the movie theaters. It was so great and I wanted to make movies like that.

I love playing games and watching movies since I was young. Once I became 2nd year in university, I wanted to learn more about media and game industry professionally.

I always felt attracted to the magic behind the screen but I realized I wanted to be in the industry when I started learning and experiencing all the hard work, tools and possibilities to tell a story.

Since High School, I was always trying to find a career that mixed my love for art, and my love for more logical things. Maybe architecture? Perhaps a Systems Engineer?. Almost before graduating, I discovered animation as a career option, and saw exactly what I wanted. I first tried learning towards a film outlet, but I wasn't completely satisfied. It wasn't until I saw the opportunity to use creative media as a tool in learning and sharing information that I felt satisfied.