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Senior year of high school, after grinding to perfect my GPA to become a doctor, I realized I had more passion for digital art and animation and haven't looked back since.

I first realized I loved the entertainment industry after replaying Final Fantasy 7 about six times. I loved the design and loved how art in video games have changed over time.

After watching Star Wars with my dad.

I found my passion ever since freshmen year of high school, so it's been a hobby of mine for four years until I begin to learn it full time when I start college.

When I first started watching Andrew Price's Blender Guru videos and realized that going into creating video games and animated content was a great option for me rather than studying computer science

I first realized I wanted to be a part of the entertainment industry when I discovered my passion for the arts at a young age. Growing up, my dad taught me how to draw and expand my mind to new ideas. He encouraged exercising your creativity and I instantly fell in love with the notion of being able to create whatever I desired. After being exposed to the arts, nothing else would make me happier or more driven than when I was creating.

I've always wanted to work with creative media professionally but found my love of 3d art after taking an entry level course in freshman year of college.

I drew comics as a kid and wanted to tell stories. I took an animation class at my school and saw the possibilities feature films had on popular culture. So, I researched the industry and saw people made careers doing CGI and VFX. So I will follow their footsteps.

When I was in elementary school. My uncle was pursuing graphic design as a career- that was the first time I realized I could make art as part of a career path. I dabbled mostly in art and drawing until my junior year of high school where I took my first animation class - just for fun. I loved it! It captured my imagination; I knew working in the animation industry was a must for me from that point onward!

In 2005, the Star Wars prequel trilogy had just concluded and my 10-year-old-self wanted to create epic sci-fi space scenes. Around that time I learned about the open source 3D program "Blender." When I got my start as a hobbyist, free learning resources were limited, but that rapidly changed after I began learning. So I grew accustomed to absorbing as much information as possible while learning how to experiment with software on my own when external resources didn’t exist.

Sophomore year of college

When I was in high school.

Back when I was still in high school, I took the only 3D animation course that my school had offered at the time and it became my favorite class. I really enjoyed the learning process and I knew it what I want to do for the rest of my life

When I started experiencing and developing mods for games.

I’ve always loved cartoons and film and have been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. However it wasn’t until middle school that I realized that working in Animation was an actual career option and I’ve been working on developing my skills ever since.

I first realized I wanted to work as a 3D animator/modeler when the counselor for my high school pointed out my enthusiasm when I was creating a year-long personal project that was required by the school using 3D animation.

Animation has always been a passion of mine since I was little. Watching films like Avatar, Pacific Rim, and Spider-Man I knew that is what I want to do.

I was never a big fan of games or animation -I only consumed that sort of media causally like everyone else. That was until I played a video game with the main character that shared commonalities with me. Race, religion, ideas. I remember the feeling it gave me -that I wasn't alone, that people like me were included in popular media beyond just being the villains. So, afterward, I decided to switch my career path and take steps to becoming a 3D artist.

During my sophmore year in high school I was introduced to 3D animation by a teacher who taught a class on animation. I didn't know it was possible to pursue this as a career.