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I have always been passionate about creation. I am a creative at heart and that in many areas. But I really discovered digital creation like 3D or VFX at the end of my high school. So I started quite late to work in this field but as an enthusiast I always try to learn more.

When I was 17y. I lose my dream to become a ingenior because I could'nt do the university and it was the same for the dream to become psycholog . So I turn on the way of an illustrator. I started to draw everyday between 3h-10h per day. I talk with many freelance and independant and try to follow their rythm and condition of work. I don't feel bad to draw for other or an industry. I am okay to draw when I don't have inspiration, etc... So I decided to continue on this way

j'aime dessiner depuis toute petite, ce qui n'as jamais diminuer en grandissant et reste et restera surement ma passion de toujours mais malgré cela je n'ai réaliser que récemment que je voulais travailler dans cette industrie après avoir travailler dans la pâtisserie un certains temps j'ai réaliser que je ne me voyais pas faire carrière dedans contrairement au dessin et à la créations digitales et traditionnels.

When I was at University (not 3D related), I found a game with a photo mode (it wasn't that popular back then). After trying it a bit, I wondered if there were a more "advanced" version of it. I discovered some 3D soft and, even so it was more complex and I was bad with it, I liked it. When researching some tutorials, I found about 3D related jobs. Fan of Pixar and animation movies in general, I decided to give it a shot and found a 3D school in my town and never regreted it.

I liked making mods ever since I was a kid - I've gone from terrible retextures made on MS Paint as an 8 year old, to placing big bad evil guys in bakeries and restoring cut content in games as a 22 year old. I love getting my hands on games and finding out how they're made, from the code, to the writing, to the concepts, to the design.... Being able to have a part in that creative process is what motivates me, and keeps me going strong :)

Hi, I am Emmanuelle Cotte, I am 32 years old and live in France. I worked several years as a textile designer then became a multidisciplinary artist in freelance. I now offer my services as an illustrator and concept artist. With an interest in both traditional arts and digital, I produce illustrations following the style and format that best fit your needs, and imagine concepts wich conduct emotions and tell stories.

It took me a while to realise I wanted to work in 3D industry. I used to work in healthcare but I knew this was not my place. I always loved to create various things so I decided to follow my passion.

Hi ! I'm Axel and I'm currently studying concept art at Institut Artline ! Here are some of the projects I made during theses past month and some personal projects. Hope you'll like it !

I always liked creating things. I started making photos and videos as a hobby, learning photoshop, premiere pro and after effect on my own. I found an art university where I tried 3D for the first time, and I immediately loved all the potential and possibilities it gave me to tell stories. I got my bachelor in CGI and VFX in 2023 and I'm curently doing a Master in 3D VFX - Creature Artist.

I was very interested in drawing and animation and that gradually led me towards 3D and VFX.

J'ai réalisé que je voulais travailler dans les industries créatives quand j'avais 14/15 ans, cela faisait déjà 3/4 ans que je travaillais mon dessin et j'ai demandé à mes parents de rentrer dans une école de dessin en seconde mais ils ont refusé, donc j'ai continué mon parcours artistique après l'obtention de mon bac et j'ai fait une licence Arts spécialisation BD et depuis 2006 je cherche à être éditer et pour répondre à la demande du marché j'ai même fait une formation en réalisation 3d .

My desire to work within a creative industries dates back to my childhood, when I was exploring knowledge through creative works. I was discovering new cultures and philosophical principles through narration and visual elements. It was at that moment that my interest in this environment was awakened. Today, I am driven by the desire to deepen my knowledge and share it, particularly through the medium of video games or animated films.

Cet univers me fait rêver depuis mon plus jeune âge mais je n'y croyais pas. Il y a 2 ans, j'ai décidé de suivre mon coeur uniquement. J'applique cela à tous les domaines de ma vie. Puis une école géniale m'est "tombée" dessus et j'ai dit let's go ! Depuis, chaque jour est une découverte joyeuse et mon coeur jaillit d'émerveillement et d'une certitude sereine que je suis sur la bonne voie : Devenir artiste 3D pour des films d'animation.

Hello ;) I'm brand content cinematic artist at UBISOFT. My profile : 3D generalist who likes mathematics, scripting, filmmaking, compositing and lighting. Feel free to give some improvement tips to my work.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative industries when I realized I wanted to bring characters and stories to life for people to enjoy and chat about like I usually do and thought it was a wonderful idea because I would be able to work with other people but still have my own personal space.

J'ai toujours aimé le dessin, c'était la meilleure façon de m'exprimer quand j'étais enfant. Après avoir travaillé dans plusieurs domaines, j'ai décidé il y a 3 ans d'apprendre véritablement le dessin afin d'arriver à en vivre un jour.

Depuis mon plus jeune âge, j'ai toujours aimé le dessin. Quand j'ai découvert le monde du jeu vidéo / films d'animation j'ai su que je voulais travailler dans ces secteurs.

When I was very young, I loved reading Beatrix Potter and watching animated movies. I would try to create and illustrate my own stories. I also remember watching the DVD extras for the 1999 film The Mummy, seeing how they designed and created the titular character, but it never registered that this could be a job for me until much later ....

J'ai réalisé, pendant mes études en hôtellerie-restauration, que l'art était un moyen pour moi de me retrouver et de parler de moi, de ce qu'il se passe dans ma tête. J'ai pratiqué beaucoup d'activités artistiques de manière non-lucratif, à but de développement personnel, et beaucoup de personnes m'ont poussé à en faire mon métier, car je m'y épanouis. Malgré les "on dit", j'ai fais un premier saut en commençant mes études au sein d'Artline, et ce pas, je ne le regrette pas du tout.

J'ai toujours été créative et le dessin est une passion que j'ai depuis toute petite. J'ai donc compris assez vite, (vers 9 ~10 ans), que je voulais travailler dans un millieu où je pourrais mettre en avant mon imagination et ma créativité.

Depuis tout petit je regarde des films en tout genres. C'est en ayant vu pour la première fois Avatar que je me suis pris une claque. Des visuels que je n'avais jamais vu avant le tout avec une histoire qui m'a profondément toucher et captiver. J'étais trop jeune pour comprendre ce qu'était les Effets spéciaux donc j'ai fait mes recherches. Grace à YouTube j'ai découvert la 3d je m'y suis former en autodidacte depuis bientôt 2 ans et demi

I am Camille, I am 29 years old and I come from Grenoble in France. Passionate about drawing since childhood, I studied it from high school. I already had a passion for video games and animation at the time but unfortunately, I couldn’t get into that. I finally went into event space design and model. I got my first job as an interior designer at Ikea and, after 6 years of work, I decided to return to my first love and resume studies in the 3D animation. I started in march 2023 and I love it !

During the pandemic, stuck at home, i finally took the time to think about what i really wanted to do. I dreamt of doing something a little more creative for a living than the job i had. Thats when started the sleepless nights trying to figure that out, reading countless websites, programs,... And i found Artline institute. During an open house hosted by the shool on zoom to learn more about their programms, i discoverd the 3d animation programm, and i was convinced that was what i wanted to do.

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved creating images, whether in 2D or 3D. I didn't know anyone around me who could help or guide me in this passion. So I taught myself, sometimes not in the right way. But it made me realize that I wanted to work in this field, and now here I am.