View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Polish Fortress - Environment design

Polish Fortress - Environment design

Xavier Minguell Solanes
by xaviminguell on 22 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

The idea of this project came after returning from a trip to Poland that really got me interested in developing a project focusing on medieval polish culture and architecture. The main goal was to recreate some areas of a polish fortess and a lighthouse that served as an alarm system in case of an incoming attack.

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The main objective while developing the fortress itself was to give it a sense of scale, solidity and loaded with life. I took special attention on giving every prop/character a purpose within the image to enhance the realism of the piece.

As mentioned in the introduction, the purpose of the lighthouse, apart from it's common use of guiding the nearby boats, is to use it as an alarm system in case of an attack. The following images are going to descrive the exterior of the lighthouse itself aswell as the mechanism used to alert the villages that are located far away from the fortress.

During the development of the interior of the lighthouse it was very important to descrive a very dense and heavy mood. It had to be a really hot area surrounded by the humidity of the lake beneath it. The contrast of these two elements gave it a really interesting atmosphere.

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