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The Forgotten One

The Forgotten One

by Alexandre Mijoule , Gwendal Refort, Marvin Boutrin, Pierrick Le Texier, and pick on 23 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

This is an overview of the school project "The Forgotten One". It's a video game made for our end of study project at New3dge who take place in the world of Tales, between horror and adventure.

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Tales get corrupt and disappear. Your role as Teller is to find the source of the curse and save what can be save. 

End of studies' project at New3dge Art school in Paris

Team and Roles : 

- Marvin Boutrin  : Concept Art/ 3D Environment/ Level Design/ Texturing/ Lighting/ Props/ FX/ Tech Art/ Integration/ Management.

- Pierrick Le Texier : Concept Character/ 3D Character/ Texturing/ Rigging/ Skinning/ Animation/ Video Editing/ Visual Communication.

- Alexandre Mijoule : Concept Art/ 3D Environment/ Texturing/ Lighting/ Prop/ Integration/ Level Design/ Photogrammetry.

- Gwendal Refort : Concept Art/ Illustrator/ Props Artsit 2D/ 2D Animation.

This video is the one we presented during our year-end jury. It summarizes the whole of our project with subtitle. If you are itnerested and to avoid repetion you can check this video if you want more details about the story, process and many others things !


The game has 3 main characters for the moment. Being in a world of fantastic tales we want that each of them is the representation of a symbol or an idea.


The Teller is the main character of the game. She represents wisdom and knowledge. Her function is to make sure the tales stories goes smoothly.


Unlike The Teller, The Witch represents melancholy and resentment. Being forgotten from her own history, she takes revenge by altering the essence of other tales to increase her powers.


The Abomination is the representation of everything that is darkest in tales : chaos, death, fear, despair...


The Aegis Knights are the first to be sent when a problem arises in a story. That's why they approaches the same symbol as those of the Teller.


In the initial idea of the game we wanted to make the player go through levels each representing a tale but being more and more tortured and turned towards horror.  In order to preserve this starting point despite the constraints of a student project, we have ensured that the player follows the same progression in horror but within a single tale, that of Raiponce.




The hub is the world of the teller, an infinite library, timeless.


In our game, we can find a multitude of Fx.
Here you can see an example for characters shader (skin and hair).

Here some exemple for special shader like bramble, water and cristal.

The abomination in the world of rapunzel uses a behaviour tree, which patrols the ruins of the castle.

If he spots the player, he hunts him down and kills him. However, if he loses sight of him, the Abomination goes to the place where he last saw him and seeks him. In which case he resumes his patrol cycle.

Here's some concept that we've done during this project.

To finish here's a full gameplay in video of our game ! 

Thank you to the whole NEW3DGE team for all these years for supporting us and helping us!

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