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Sugar The awakened Horn

Sugar The awakened Horn

Lou-Maëlle CHEMIN
by Shihoka on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my first Art contenst ! im so happy to partcipate to The ROOKIES contest this year, for this event i've made a champion for league of legends ! enjoy my project !

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Hello everyone! I am happy to participate in my very first art contest! For several months, with my Artline school, we had the opportunity to work on our project to participate in the Rookies!

It is with great pleasure that I will present my project to you, as well as some of the works I have been able to create throughout this wonderful year!

To start, I decided to create a character from A to Z, a character that is part of a universe I created called AIPIRA. In this universe, there is a Qilin people, anthropomorphic beings who are half-human, half-Qilin. Being very attached to this people that I am deeply developing, I decided to create a Qilin from my AIPIRA universe form a League of Legends champion. I had to create a coherent backstory for her within the League of Legends universe, as well as design abilities to make my character playable.

So, I present to you: Sugar, the Awakened Horn.

Just a reminder, the Qilin is an animal from Chinese mythology, a creature that is a mix between a deer, a horse, a dragon, and has a lion's tail.

To better understand my design choices for Sugar, I will try to describe her story in a simple way for those who are not familiar with the lore of League of Legends.

Sugar is a young Vastaya Qilin, with the Vastayas being anthropomorphic beings living in a region called Ionia, where magic is deeply ingrained in the culture, and peace and harmony with nature prevail. All Vastayas are born with magical powers; however, Sugar is a bit different because she was born without magic! This made life very complicated for little Sugar, as she felt very different from the other Vastayas. Life in Ionia is difficult because this beautiful region is at war with Noxus. Noxus is a region of brutes, where anarchy reigns. Noxus has always sought to conquer the lands of Ionia and steal the magic of the Ionians.

When a war broke out in Ionia, Sugar saw her family and her people massacred by the Noxians, including her lover. Powerless in the face of this war, she watched her people gradually disappear, spending years in guilt and sadness. One day, she went to a sacred monument in Ionia, where the Ionians go to confide in and commune with the spirits. While connecting with the spirit world, Sugar heard a voice. This voice confirmed the existence of a hostile place, a mountain as dangerous as Everest, located in the region of Targon, a cold and perilous mountainous area. It is said that at the top of this mountain, if someone manages to reach the summit of this perilous ascent, they can encounter constellations that offer blessings and celestial powers.

Since the Noxus attack on Ionia, Sugar has been willing to do anything to take her revenge and protect her people. She heeded this voice and set out for Targon. The journey was very long, but finally, she reached the foot of the mountain. Along her journey, she met new people and encountered new cultures and traditions, which she had to adapt to in order to avoid drawing attention to herself. Then she began the ascent of Mount Targon. It took Sugar more than six months to climb this treacherous mountain, but once at the summit, the reward was phenomenal.

Sugar's little horn began to shine like it never had before, and she finally saw the Qilin constellation appear in the sky. With her eyes sparkling at this phenomenon, a light from the heavens illuminated Sugar, and the spirit of the Qilin god manifested before her. Sugar couldn't utter a word as she watched this magnificent god fly around her, whispering words of peace and wisdom. After a few moments, the Qilin god ascended back to the heavens, granting Sugar his celestial powers—the ability to control and generate Cryo-electric magic.

Sugar thus obtained the powers of the Qilin and returned to her homeland (Ionia), stronger than ever. She spent years mastering her power and fighting alongside the Ionians to protect her people. One day, she hoped to reunite with her beloved, whom she missed dearly.

I hope her story is understandable! Now that you know Sugar, here are my initial sketches:

after choosing the final design, i made the turn and colors !

Next step was to make some scketches about Sugar before she got her power and Sugar's entier Qilin's form 

I made a little illustration which representing sugar in front of the Targon's mount, ready to climp it !

the other step is my favourite part : Let's make the splash art ! 

First of all, let's make the thumbnails ! My first idea waas to put on the background the Qilin's god but finnally i decided to remove the qilin on the background. The Splash art show Sugar at the top of Targon's mount

Then the basic splash art for Sugar :

All League of Legends champions are released with a skin, so for Sugar, it will be the Coven skin!

and for fun, i made this photoshop montage haha

the next step was to create icons and spells description ! it was a funny part ! i've never to that before 

Sugar is a Mage support as Lux, she have a lot of damages, she can be played at the Midlane and  Support as well 

Im very attached to Sugar finally, and her story touch me a lot, so i wanted to make a portrait of ther lover. his name is Daichi, he is a qilin too, born in Ionia, but lived a long time in Noxus because of kidnapping

This is the end of my project for Sugar ! But it's not the end of my other project ! now i'll show you some project i made for friends and for myself. the First one is for a friend who is creating a board game and i had to create the illustration of the characters ! :

and now some personal projects : 

Thank you so much for watching my work, it was a big pleasure for me to work on many different projects this year, i improve a lot and im so proud ou myself ! i hope you enjoy my work, and never forget that everything is possible and we are all able to be proud of ourself ! 

thank you again and have a good day !

Lou-Maëlle CHEMIN

Student From ARTLINE

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