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3D Animation Projects - Junior Year 2024

3D Animation Projects - Junior Year 2024

Viktor Niksdorf
by ViktorNiksdorf on 23 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! These are the animated projects I worked on during my third year at Ringling College of Art and Design! I learned a lot about timing, clear poses and lip-sync this year, and hope to implement all of the new techniques in the future! Responsible for everything you see unless said otherwise.

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The Tonight Show with Mr. Yeti!

For the first time in the Tonight Show's history, an actual Yeti, Mr. Yeti, is coming to show that Yetis are not the evil monsters we think of them!

They are worse. They are comedians.

Before working on the animation, I went through many variations of the Yeti's design and combined my best ideas into the character you see right now.

Before animating the motion, I had to create reference to get the timing and the character acting right for the piece! 

I also had to make sure I had the toes animation right, since he is a Yeti.

This is from one of my earlier passes, where I blocked in most of the movements in stepped-mode, before going forward with splining the character. I had to make sure the camera movements worked for each moment, and it was much easier to do before the character begins to move around in spline.

Before and After textures/lighting/comp!

Shield from the Arrows!

Claudius, the Roman soldier is being ambushed by archers! Can he get to the shield and survive the onslaught?

Or can he at least pick up the shield? Someone skipped his Roman training...

Here is the character sheet I came up for Claudius, before beginning my animation.

Before the block- in of the shot, I made thumbnails to get a general idea of what I wanted to show and also recorded some reference to get the right weight for the objects. (Thank you to all of the friends that helped me get reference!)

Here is a blocked-in pass I made before going into the spline mode for the animation, so that I make sure that the poses and the timing reads.

Before and After Lighting/Comp/Textures.


Gambler Addict with anger issues. Simple silhouette animation I did to practice clear posing and timing!

(Character Rig provided by Ringling College or Art and Design)

Here is the reference I had to do to for the animation since I do not have a giant slot machine at my dorm. (Yet.)

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