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A game about a chicken that wants to be free. It was made by 5 students at Digital Arts And Entertainment in Belgium in the course ''Group projects".

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The Tale of Liberation

In a world dominated by egg production, a courageous chicken finds herself trapped on a farm, surrounded by feathered friends and family. Day after day, she dutifully lays eggs, only to see them vanish without a trace.

The echoes of the past whispered tales of a time when dinosaurs roamed free. Fueled by the spirit of her dinosaur ancestors, she decided it was high time to reclaim that lost liberty. The farm's treatment of her and her kin was an affront to the noble lineage of dinosaurs, and she was determined to break free from this feathered oppression.

One day, as she pecks through the monotonous routine, her keen eyes spot a potential escape route high above in the chicken coop. Through some loose planks, a glimmer of hope calls out. Could this be the gateway to freedom she so desperately seeks?

Embark on a thrilling adventure as you help the chicken navigate the challenges of the coop and soar towards the freedom her ancestors once cherished. Will you aid her in breaking free from the feathered oppression, or will the farm's forces prevail? The tale of liberation is about to unfold, and the destiny of a brave chicken rests in your hands.

The Team

Our team consists of 5 members
- Stef Kluskens :: Developer and AI
- Floris Leirs :: Developer and Sounds
- Cesanne Nooy van der Kolff :: Tech Art and Book
- Liese Van Der Schueren :: Character Art and Rigging
- Annelies De Decker :: Environment Art and Level design

All members however helped out where they could when necessary!

Find it on!
Here you can find the page of the game to try it for yourself!

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