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Engraved Floor Tiles and a Vintage Camera for the Rookie Awards 2024

Engraved Floor Tiles and a Vintage Camera for the Rookie Awards 2024

Mathéo Duperoir
by MatDuperoir on 21 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi, my name is Mathéo Duperoir and I am a Material & Texture Artist who just graduated from a Game Art bachelor in France. Since then I spent my time training by working on personal projects, as you will see below. I'm really happy to participate to the Rookies Award this year!

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Generic Material | Engraved Floor Tiles

Engraved floor tiles made with Substance Designer and Photoshop for the tiles pattern.

Searching for references for my next material I stumbled upon a picture of a really damaged yet colorful floor. I instantly decided than my next project would be to recreate a less damaged version of it.

There's one part of the material where I decided to use Photoshop instead of Substance Designer to save some time. It's for the engraved floral pattern on each tile, I decided to draw a rough version in Photoshop and then tweak it slightly in Designer.

Based on the feedback I received recently, this may not be the optimal way, but it was certainly the most efficient workflow for me at the time.

Below is the alpha of the engraved floral pattern I drew in Photoshop

Here is the original image I used as a reference.

Texturing | ILM Motion Control 'Rama' Camera

This project is a collaboration with Raphaël Jorand, the goal was to create a game-ready asset.

He did the modelling and I did the baking, texturing and rendering. It was a great project to work on, I have been missing the Marmoset to Painter workflow lately and it was the perfect opportunity to dive into it again.

Below are the studio shots I used as references for the whole project. The ILM Motion Control 'Rama' camera is  the most famous camera used on the filming set of Star Wars (The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi).

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