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Abdalameer Yusuf - CG Environment Artist

Abdalameer Yusuf - CG Environment Artist

by Ameer on 21 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here's a collection of projects crafted over the last year! I hope you find as much delight in exploring them as I did in bringing them to life!

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Echoes of the Past

In this project, I present a highly detailed 3D CGI render of a futuristic, mechanical robot in a desolate landscape. This concept aims to evoke a sense of a post-apocalyptic world where advanced technology has succumbed to the ravages of time. The centerpiece of this composition is a weathered, multi-legged robot, intricately designed to reflect both the sophistication and deterioration of a once-dominant technological marvel. Through meticulous modeling, texturing, and rendering, I aimed to bring this vision to life, emphasizing realism and atmospheric depth.


The foundation of this project lies in the detailed modeling of the robot, with a particular emphasis on its complex legs. The legs were designed to be highly articulated, showcasing intricate mechanical joints and hydraulic systems that hint at the robot's advanced functionality. Using advanced modeling techniques in software like Maya, each component of the robot was crafted with precision, ensuring a high level of detail and realism.

Once the robot's modeling was complete, the focus shifted to the environment. The ground was modeled and then taken into ZBrush for high-detail displacement mapping. This process allowed for the creation of a realistic terrain with intricate textures and patterns, enhancing the overall believability of the scene.


Texturing played a crucial role in bringing the robot to life. Using Mari, I created multiple layers for each texture map to accurately depict the varying degrees of dust, paint, metal, and rust on the robot's surface. These layers included bump, glossiness, and reflection maps to ensure that every aspect of the robot's material properties was captured. The result was a textured robot that not only looked aged and worn but also had a tactile quality that added to its realism.


The look development phase was dedicated to achieving a super high-quality render. I focused on developing shaders for both the robot and the ground, utilizing procedural textures to create complex and realistic surface details. Advanced lighting techniques were employed to enhance the scene's dramatic effect, ensuring that the interplay of light and shadow added depth and dimension.

The final touches were applied through compositing in Photoshop and After Effects. This stage involved fine-tuning the image to balance colors, enhance contrasts, and add subtle effects that brought the scene together cohesively. The goal was to create a visually stunning render that effectively communicates the narrative of a dystopian future dominated by decaying technology.

Final Thoughts

Creating this project has been an enriching experience from start to finish. From designing the intricate details of the robot to crafting the desolate landscape, every aspect has been a lesson in creativity and technical skill.

I've learned the power of attention to detail and the importance of storytelling in visual art. This project has allowed me to hone my abilities and push the boundaries of my creativity.

Texturing a Drone: Achieving Realism with Mari

Texturing a drone was a meticulous process aimed at enhancing its realism and visual appeal. Utilizing Mari, I created multiple layers and maps to achieve a detailed and lifelike appearance. Each component of the drone was carefully textured with diffuse, specular, bump, and gloss maps.

V-ray renders

The diffuse map added the base colors and subtle variations to the drone's surface, giving it a rich and complex look. The specular map was used to control the reflectivity of different materials, adding depth and realism to the metallic and non-metallic parts. The bump map introduced fine details and textures, such as scratches and panel lines, which enhanced the overall tactile quality. Finally, the gloss map controlled the surface's shininess, contributing to a more dynamic interplay of light and shadow.

This multi-layered approach allowed me to create a highly detailed and convincing texture that brought the drone to life, emphasizing its sophisticated design and realistic wear and tear.

Texturing a Shoe

In this project, I embarked on a journey to infuse character into a cloth and rubber shoe through intricate texture crafting. Utilizing Mari's tools, I focused on storytelling, weaving each detail with significance. From the texture of worn cloth to the resilience of rubber, every element narrated the shoe's journey. Through diffuse, specular, bump, and gloss maps, I painted a tale of history and personality, transcending mere technique to create a narrative texture adventure.

This layered texturing approach ensured a nuanced and realistic portrayal of the shoe, showcasing its craftsmanship and character through detailed wear and tear patterns and material differentiation.

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