View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Léo Châtel - Environment and Lookdev Artist

Léo Châtel - Environment and Lookdev Artist

Léo Châtel
by LeoChatel on 20 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Presenting a few projects that i've been doing this year, discovering new softwares and learning new skills in compositing and full cg overall

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Hi ! Happy to present my entry for the Rookie Awards 2024, I'm Léo Châtel a French 22 year-old student in Environments section at Creative Seeds. Here are some of my last favorites projects I made ! 

Hope you enjoy it ;)

Rainy Landscape 

This is my first Large scale Environment I made during my 3rd Year at Creative Seeds. Full CG, this project took me 2 month to see the final result. Using Maya, Houdini, Substance3D Painter, GuerillaRender and Nuke.

The main reference was a Concept Art from Daniel Akelow, Thank's him for his beautiful work !

I did all aspects on this project, Modeling, Surfacing (Castle and Knight), Lighting and Compositing. this was the first time i practice Guerilla and Nuke on an environment and it was really fun to reproduce the concept with these soft 

It was the first time too that i used Gaea software to made the terrain, big challenge to combine this soft with houdini but very helpful to have the result I want.

The Grand Journey - Ship Fan Art

For this one, the goal was to practice my hardsurface and texturing skills with a concept to reproduce in 3D. The next step of this project is to make it more alive and see him in an environment that i will make soon.

The original concept comes from Arthur Haefeli !

First time on GuerillaRender and Nuke for this one and it was really cool to discover new softwares to learn ! thank's to them, this project took me 2 month as well

On differents part of the concept, shapes was too simple so I had to design coherent and interconnected shapes to achieve a realistic result.

Crashed Plane in desert

This project is an older Concept that i made during my past year at Creative Seeds. Took me 8 weeks to create an environment with references Concept Art. My goal was to go out from the vegetation and go in the desert to have variables project ! 

With this one i have the chance to do as much modeling as scattering and some FX cool to made :)

In this case, I used Redshift to render this sequence and Substance 3D Painter to texture all the assets on the shot.

Thanks to houdini, i can made my sequence more alive with animated clothes on the charadesign, and all the tissues and cables present on the scene. Birds and Clouds are animated too with the soft. 

The realization of these projects would not have been possible without the support and advice of my mentor Jean-Michel Bihorel and as well as my classmates.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my work because more will come soon ;) contacts On my Rookie profile !

Thanks for your consideration ! Léo Châtel

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