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Snow Dog

Snow Dog

Holly's Christmas morning takes a whimsical twist when her mischievous snow dog, Snowbert, grows bigger and wilder! "Snow Dog" is an animated short thesis film created by Christina Park and Marisol Salazar Montoya. The two are responsible for all assets since pre-production, except for the audio. Please enjoy!

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Holly, a 10-year-old girl, wakes up one Christmas morning feeling disappointed after receiving a pet rock as a present and decides to build a dog out of snow. To her surprise, the snow dog comes to life, and Holly names him Snowbert. As she spends the morning joyfully playing with her magical companion, Snowbert grows larger, and Holly realizes the responsibility of caring for a dog. Embark on a journey with her in this enchanting film, brimming with adventure, heartfelt lessons, and the essence of the holiday season!


Image Stills:


Visual Development:

Model Turnarounds:

Thank you for looking!

Christina Park ([email protected]) - Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

Marisol Salazar Montoya ([email protected]) - Website | LinkedIn | Instagram

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