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Try Everything - Rookie Awards 2024

Try Everything - Rookie Awards 2024

Théo Bérail
by TheoBerail on 22 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My first entry to the Rookie Awards ! I gathered all my best projects from my first and second year at ESMA and a small personal project. #esma

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Try Everything

Rookie Awards 2024 - Théo Bérail (3D Generalist)

This is the first time I submit an entry to the Rookie Awards. I hope you'll enjoy !
Here you'll find a lot of projects from my second year at ESMA, some others from the first year and some personal work.


A storm is approaching (Haruka's Hut) - ESMA Second Year May 2024

The last lighting-rendering project of the second year. We had to chose a character from a list of 21 character concept-arts and make his hut. I chose Admiral Haruka-Tenoh/Sailor Uranus drawn by Claire Hummel.

I modeled and set dressed everything on Maya. Texturing done on Susbstance 3D Painter and Gimp. Rendered with Renderman and comped on Nuke X.

Left : Original Concept by Claire Hummel. Right : My final concept for the hut.

I imagined that this hut would be a fallen piece from a zeppelin during a fictional war. The character built it to have a peaceful place to rest from her duty as a British admiral.

Night alternative made with Nuke X.

Fire Fox - ESMA Second Year March 2024

We had to make a quadruped with fur, any animal we wanted. I chose the Red Fox. We were asked to make one image of the animal in it's envrionnment, and a second where we were free.

For the natural shot, I wanted to mimic a real animal photograph, so I used a very long focal length with strong depth of field. I put some rocks in front of the camera to give the impression that the photographer is hidden lying on the ground to take the photo.

The composition of this shot is inspired by an actual fox photo taken by Stéphane Raimond in his book Saisons Sauvages. The photo depicted a red fox above water watching on the left, his head very close to his reflection in the water (it's page 135).

For the second image, I wanted to do something completely different. I wanted to make a spectacular cinematic shot. Here, the focal length is shorter, the camera is closer to the fox and there is almost no depth of field. Instead of making a realistic photograph, this shot is like a paused frame from an action movie. But there is still a message behind this image.

I wanted to make a diptych with my two images to show of a peaceful forest with beautiful wildlife can be destroyed in no time because of dryness and cigarette butts thrown in nature. Fortunately, there are courageous firefighters who risk their lives to save our forests.

The aesthetic of this shot is very inspired by the movie Fire (2020) directed by Alexey Nuzhny.

Modeling (Maya)

Rigging (Maya)

Eyes (Gimp)

Grooming (Xgen Interactive) and Texturing (Substance Painter, Renderman)

Environment (Substance Sampler and Painter)

Children of Earth - ESMA Second Year January 2024

We had to create an insect of our choice. I made an european bee (Apis Mellifera).

The composition was a big challenge because I didn't want to reproduce an existing image like my classmates did. I wanted to make a fully original image with a story to tell. I wanted to convey an ecological message.

The idea was to depict a bee on a flower under an electric pylon. That's all. The bee is living it's life with no idea that mankind is slowly encroaching on it's territory. Our way of life fed by electricity is threatening the bees while they are essential for our planet.

The composition with the flower didn't work so I replaced it with lavender which was better for the camera angle. It had to be a a low-angle shot so the bee and the viewer are dominated by the pylon which seems more threatening. I tried several orientations for the pylon to make it clearly visible even though it's out of focus.

The Duckfoot Pistol - ESMA Summer 2023

A vacation project in which we were asked to make a weapon of our choice. I've chosen a British 1780 Brass Flintlock Duck's Foot Pistol by Bunney of London.

It is based on this reference.

The Doctor's Second Best Friend - Personal project Summer 2023

A personal project in which I recreated three sonic screwdrivers from Doctor Who. My goal was to finally handle Adobe Substance 3D Painter.

Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver

Eighth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver

War Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver

Pottery at Law (The Craftsman's Workshop) - ESMA First Year June 2023

The final project of the first year at ESMA. We had to create two 3D images set in a craftsman's workshop, and tell a story with them using the revelation or the ellipsis.


Feline Rider - ESMA Second Year May 2024

The final animation project of the second year. We were asked to make a 200 frames animation featuring an interaction between a biped and a quadruped. I wanted to make a breathtaking action scene were human and animal are helping each other to fight dystopian totalitarianism and technological drifts.

Music : Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity - The Core


The Leopard's Cycles - ESMA Second Year April 2024

My first cycles with a quadruped. We had to make the walk, the trot and the run.

Cyborg Throwing and Weight - ESMA Second Year January/February 2024

Simple body physic diptych featuring the Cyborg. It was my first body physic exercise.

Characterized Walk and Run - ESMA Second Year December 2023/January 2024

After handling the vanilla walk cycle, this exercise was my first attempt to make characterized walk cycles.

Mini Evil Dungeon - ESMA Second Year December 2023

We were given the Mini Evil rig and had to make it's parkour through the dungeon set.

A Fox and two Robots walks into a bar... - ESMA First Year May 2023

A four minutes animated short film with an original story.

This is the last animation project of the first year at ESMA. We were given a map created by the teacher Guillaume Amauger : a LEGO Star Wars set.

For the characters, we could import any model we used during the year, from the Squirrel Fox to Ballie, or create our own.

The demand was to animate a short film of 480 frames minimum. At least 4 different shots. Use the jump, walk and running cycles.

Absolute artistic freedom.

I wanted to tell the story of a red fox who is suddenly hunted by two bounty hunter robots in a space saloon.

I worked to create beautiful shots and breathtaking action sequences.

The Squirrel Fox - ESMA First Year - March 2023

First year animation project in which we made a short animation with the Squirrel Fox to understand the Squash and Stretch and Overlap mechanics. The camera movement was required in order to combine all the animations of the school !


Taxi - ESMA Second Year December 2023

We were asked to chose or imagine a vehicle of our choice, rig all its accessories but also add a mechanical arm and rig it with joints and an IK Handle.

I chose to recreate the Taxi Peugeot 406 from the Taxi saga, which I've always been a huge fan of. It was a real challenge as, in the movie, the car transforms itself.

The texturing was made on Affinity Photo and Gimp.


Toulousocalypse - ESMA Second Year December 2023

A compositing project in which we made a post-apocalyptic photomontage on Affinity Photo, and animated it on Nuke X.

I used a lot of images from Wikimedia Commons for the photomontage. For the animation, I used videos I filmed myself. I also went in Toulouse to film the wall.

Thank You for watching !

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