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Meet Mat as Majora's Mask
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Meet Mat as Majora's Mask

I will transform Mat into Majora's Mask from The Legend of Zelda, trying to match all possible details. The head will be the mask, and for the body, the texture is going to be based on Majora's Incarnation form and Majora's Wrath form.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 18 Jan 2024

YiTi3D presents : "Meet Mat as Majora's Mask"

Side Perspective Final Render

Front Final Render

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Update - 2 Jan 2024

5th update

Update - 1 Jan 2024

4th update!

Update - 1 Jan 2024

3rd Update!

Update - 18 Dec 2023

2nd update!

Update - 11 Dec 2023

1st update!

Update - 3 Dec 2023

Concept Sketch