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Meet Mat 3
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Meet Mat 3

A Meet Mat rendition of the Mars suit from film the Martian.

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Update - 30 Nov 2023

Meet Mat 3 - The Martian Mars suit

All work has been completed exclusively in Substance Painter.

The original cosutme design struck me as interesting as it had pretty clear lines that I could make use of the path tool for. It also had a variety of height levels and, having never worked with Substance Painter's height adjustments to this level before, I thought would be a good learning experience.

The final textured model!

Just getting started on the base of each texture map. The helmet has some roughness and texturing to show some wear and tear. Laid out some base colours to see if this is the helmet design I want to stick with. The suit has some crinkling added. The height was too drastic in render so I asked on the Rookies Discord for advice, adjusting the levels helped reduce that.

Experimented with height and various filters for the first time. Learned a lot and felt confident enough to add some dropshadow for depth on the arms too.

The base has Mars-like ground texturing, added a bit of extra red colouring to emphasise the "Red Planet". I wanted to keep the Substance Painter S distinct though so used some curvature mapping to make it more obvious.

Adding some detail now. Knee and shoulder pads were drawn on in Substance Painter, though I would have liked to have explored doing some maps in Photoshop. Originally I was content to leave out the breastplate of the suit but felt increasingly like the suit wasn't recognisable without it. While I was at it, the belt ended up being added to! Both of these filled in the empty space that I felt there was too much of and by constant repetition, I am much more comfortable now with anchor points and the various filters used.

I then added dust and scratches to make the suit look worn and like it was used in its environment.

It was all about final touches from this point. Some corrections were required since I'd learnt so much about height too so I corrected some wrong layering. Stitching details were added as well as cloth creasing. Extra dirt was added for this hard working wee martian!

Not as much focus was given to the back of the design but I thought I'd include some progress images of this too as it did make progress and some nice touches were added.

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