Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


by FerboPerales on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, my name is David Perales from Lima, Peru. This is my entry to The Rookie Awards 2023, in which I show different FX work done during my Master's degree studies at ANIMUM Creativity Advanced School in Malaga, Spain. Hope you like it.

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Here are some fragments of projects that I have worked on, ranging from a peeling Hellboy statue to a flame thrower, during my Master's degree studies at ANIMUM Creativity Advanced School.

And here's the breakdown of a couple of shots shown in the previous video. They're mainly focused on a particle emitter that takes the Normal attribute (N) of a polygon within an Attribute VOP node, processes it, and eventually links it to the Velocity Attribute (v) in order to be used in a fire or water simulation in Houdini.

Above I'm showing the visual process, starting with emitting particles, transforming them to volumes, and finally using these volumes to generate fire through the pyro solver sparse.

In these pictures, I'm showing the VOP nodes I've worked on to build the Velocity emitter and its corresponding parameters.

Finally, here are some screenshots of the RBD shot, in which you can appreciate the green constraints that helped peeling the statue artistically.

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