Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Fairy Oak: The Twins Secret

Fairy Oak: The Twins Secret

Pedro José Sánnchez Calvo
by peterpupeter on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A concept bible about the book Fairy Oak: The Twing Secret, it was written by Elisabetta Gnone. Here, I do a exploration about the twins and the nanny fairy.

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Fairy Oak: A concept bible

It's a project about the book Fairy Oak: The twins secret, it was wrote Elisabetta Gnone. Here, I do a explorations about the sister Vanilla and Lavander, and her nanny Telli too, who is a fairy. Then, you can see turnaround, expression sheet and exploration and colour exploration about the characters.

Telli Exploration

Telli is a fairy, who care the twins. She can fly and she lives with the sister. She is very protector, but she consets to the twins. She love the nature, so I wanted to explorate the union between the fairy and the nature, my idea was with a mushroom. In the following images you can see:

1. The final desing

2. Expression sheet

3. Turnaround

4. Exploration phases: Here, I started with the shape, after I do more explorations with the clothes, hair and the wing.

5. Colour exploration


The twins are witch, Vanilla is a witch's light and Lavander is a dark witch. Vanilla love the nature and the cute animals like rabbits or deer. She is good, she doesn't like skipping shcool, she doesn't like to fight. In the following pages you can see:

1. The final desing

2. Expression sheet

3. Turnaround

4. Exploration phases

5. Colour exploration


Lavander is a dark witch, she love the animals connected to the darkness like the owls or the spiders. She break the rule, and she is very impulsive. In the following images, you can see:

1. The final desing

2. Expression sheet

3. Turnaround

4. Exploration phases

5. Colour exploration


Here, you can see a turnaround of the heads, and the next image is the finals colours for the characters. I want to choose warm color and nature colours.

By one hand, for the twins I chosen this colours due to energy and relationship with th enature. By the other hand, for the fairy I chosen a colours with relationship to the nature and the maturity, due to the color are more cold and dull.

Asset's Lavander

It's a compass. It can show the sky and the stars, even if the sky is cloudy or she is in a building. It's usefull because she can fly and she can use it for finding your bearing. The compass show a history about a fairy and enchanted tree. The illustration show the tree and the tree when they met.

Asset's Vanilla

It's a compass. It shows you the correct way when you are in dangerous. 

In the following images, you can see a colour explorations. Both compass have the same origin, so I want to put black colour, also the Lavender's compass has a cold colours due to de dark magic, and the Vanilla's compass has the warm colous due to the light's magic.

The Lavander's compass: In the turnaround you can see the compass, inside the compass has a counter. It show you when is the day or the night, also, the counter go to up until down for the night and viceversa.

The Lavander's compass: You can open the compass, it has a arrow and it show you the correct answer when you are in dangerous.

Environment Design

In the following images, you can see the Telli's house. She lives with the twin in the same bedroom. She has a magic vase, here she can sleep, shower, rest, etc. The vase floats in the air, so she can move the vase to any place.

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