Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Spark & Kling

Spark & Kling

Two homegrown experiments, a lightning bug and a metal blob, must work together to escape a mad scientist's laboratory.

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Spark & Kling

Spark & Kling is a couch co-op puzzle platformer where the player will take the role of either Spark, the electric bug, or Kling the metal gel blob. They are trapped in a Homemade lab by a Mad Scientist  and the players will have to overcome obstacles and work together to escape.

Initially a 1 month student project, which after 2 more months of work evolved to a vertical slice released on link:

                                       Working Together

In the game you are meant to use your different abilities to help each other out. Spark can possess different electronics, she also carries baby sparklings to shoot at generators to activate different machines. Kling can shoot metal gel which puts weight on objects in order to make them heavy (for example scales to be climbed and lever that open doors)

               Use Your Abilities To Help Each Other Out

Some abilities can be used on each other. For example Kling can shoot metal gels in a line which Spark can jump into and travel through the level. On the other hand Spark can help Kling travel by shooting sparklings at him which allows him to double jump.


The inspiration for the level was homemade laboratories. The goal was to get a feeling of an ordinary room with various laboratory equipment but for it to be a massive world for the characters.

As the players were to be small creatures, the focus of the level was to make it feel grand and more importantly fun and engaging for both players. As the game is played by two players with two different characters with asymmetric abilities, it was crucial to find a good balance for both characters. The level was designed such that each player would always need the help of the other player in one way or another in order to progress. Communication is key. 

                                 Puzzle: Possessable arms

With the accumulated knowledge from both players up to this point, we elected to challenge their abilities with a puzzle where both players needed to help each other to get through this messy mix of goo, flasks and experiments. They would have to communicate with each other to figure out the ordering of the platforming for this. And battle their desire to trick one another into the puddle of deadly goo.

                       Music and Dynamic Music Change

The inspiration for the Spark & Kling music is from listening to endless of 8-bit music during our lifespan. We wanted the music to feel like a part of the game's wacky world. The level music is produced in three different versions to get the player even more immersed into the game. For example: The music turns into a darker version when the player goes into the vents, to add that extra feel.

                              Spark & Kling Models Progression

                                                   Level Art

Made by Cozy Labs:

Anton Vassepov: Gameplay programmer, Generalist Programmer, Audio Programmer

Eleanor Ahlberg: Product Owner, Lead Design, System Designer

Ella Lopez: Gameplay/Puzzle Designer, VFX Artist

Emil Brax: Lighting, Post Process, Environment Artist

Emma Österlund: Character Artist, Character Animator, 2D Artist, Tech Artist

Fredrik Askebris: Composer, Sound Designer, UI Designer

Nestor Jerfström: Technical Animator, Technical Artist, Gameplay Programmer, Generalist Programmer, Tools Engineer

Robin Håkansson: Environment Artist

Saheel Husain: Level Designer, Gameplay/Puzzle Designer

Vincenzo Catano: 3C Designer

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