Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Concept Art and Illustrations

Concept Art and Illustrations

by akanshasaraogi on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

These are some of the artworks I have created in past few months, which are inspired by my surroundings and daily life experiences.

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I created this artwork based on a story I wrote about a girl who is always scared of how people look at her and what they say. She has an intense fixation on her looks, always feeling dissatisfied with her self-image. She holds a belief that others engage in gossip about her.

As summer approaches, eating ice cream becomes somewhat mandatory, but with a love for ice cream, cavities are also welcomed. This digital illustration depicts ice cream cum cavities.

This is the sketch that I created while thinking about this idea. Well, I don't exactly remember the octopus one. Perhaps I intended to create something creepy, but it turned out to be sweet cavity.

The story behind this creation is that I encountered a few people who constantly criticized and complained about everything happening to them. On the other hand, I also met individuals who appreciate the challenges that come their way. They believe in working hard and keep going no matter what, remaining unfazed by the results. It's just that they have more beautiful stories to share about their adventurous lives.

This is the hand painted illustration.

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