Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
SUS Entrant

SUS Entrant

Tang Shao Hui
by Shaohui414 on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Sus Entrant is a game where players take on the role of a border police officer who is responsible for ensuring that all chemical aliens who are trying to enter Earth adhere to the traveling regulations. Players must use their knowledge of acids, bases, and salts to identify and test the chemical aliens.

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Genre: Educational Game

Audience: Middle School Students

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to define acids, bases, and salts.

Students will be able to identify acids, bases, and salts by their properties.

Students will be able to explain the reactions between acids, bases, and salts.


SUS Entrant is a game where players take on the role of a border police officer who is responsible for inspecting chemical aliens from all over the universe before they are allowed to enter Earth. Players must use their knowledge of acids, bases, and salts to identify and neutralize any dangerous chemicals that the aliens are carrying.

The game is divided into a series of levels, each of which presents a new challenge. In each level, players must inspect a group of chemical aliens and determine whether they are safe to enter Earth. To do this, players must use a variety of tools, similar to the tools used in chemical lab. Players must also use their knowledge of chemical properties to identify the different types of acids, bases, and salts.

If a player fails to identify a dangerous chemical, the alien will explode, and the player will lose a life. If a player loses all of their lives, the game will end.

Game Mechanics:

Sus Entrant features a variety of game mechanics that make it engaging and challenging. These include:

Tools management: Players must carefully manage their inventory of tools and chemicals.

Problem-solving: Players must use their knowledge of acids, bases, and salts to solve a variety of puzzles.

Time pressure: Players must work quickly to inspect the chemical aliens before they explode.

Art Style:

Sus Entrant features a colorful and stylized art style that is inspired by science fiction movies and cartoons. The game's characters are all unique and memorable, and the environments are full of detail.

Phosphoric Acid
Characteristic: Phosphoric acid is an odourless, colourless inorganic compound. It is a corrosive substance and widely used in dentistry and orthodontics as an etching solution, to clean and roughen the surface of the teeth. To implement the usage of the chemical, the alien was designed as a dentist. With the head mirror and bag of tools containing a mouth mirror, toothpaste, scaler and probe, we can identify the job of the alien. 

Nitric Acid
Characteristics: Nitric acid (HNO3), a fuming, and highly corrosive chemical that is a common laboratory reagent and an important industrial chemical for the manufacture of fertilizers and explosives. It is toxic and can cause severe burns. The toxicity is shown by the representation of a gas mask. Earthy rock-like hands with small greens grown show the connection the alien has to plants and fertilizer. This is more obviously shown through the attire and the symbols on it and the gas mask.

Lithium Hydroxide
Characteristics: Lithium hydroxide (LiOH), is used in making lithium salts (soaps) of stearic and other fatty acids; these soaps are widely used as thickeners in lubricating greases. The greasy texture is shown as a small detail on the leg with the melting greasy liquid texture. Lithium hydroxide represents a potentially significant hazard because it is extremely corrosive, this is shown by the skull-like head and the bubble mask over it. Additionally, it has the hazard symbol on its suit as well. Lithium hydroxide has a pungent odour shown by the smelly graphics and flies over the head.

Magnesium Hydroxide
Characteristics: Magnesium hydroxide has the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. Magnesium hydroxide is used to treat occasional constipation in children and adults on a short-term basis. Magnesium hydroxide is in a class of medications called saline laxatives. It is also referred to as “Milk of Magnesia”. Due to the medical relevance the alien is designed in an attire and prop that depicts a doctor. The body of the alien is flowy with a liquidy and milky texture.

Sulfuric Acid
Characteristic: Sulphuric Acid can be found in bombs and batteries.Thus, the shape of the body looks like a grenade. Besides that, we also added a bomb, battery and dynamic elements around the body of the alien. Other than that, the oily liquid is one of the properties that have been added to the character design. The colour of the alien is orangish yellow following the pH value scale 

Characteristics: Ammonia is a weak base with only a pH value of 12 so it only exhibits the common corrosive effects of many bases when in high concentration. High concentrations of ammonia are extremely dangerous if inhaled, ingested or touched. Highly concentrated ammonia can burn the skin or eyes. The most significant characteristic of ammonia is its strong and pungent smell. The alien has a mask on it to replicate the toxic mask as it has a strong and pungent smell. As the ammonia is a weak base, the design is a rounded and chubby body for it to make it look less dominant.

Ammonium Hydroxide
Characteristics: Ammonium hydroxides are a colourless liquid with a strong odour and can cause burns on contact with the skin. The compound is mainly used in the manufacturing of rubber. Therefore, the big idea of shaping the alien is to let the alien reflect the working attire in the rubber factory. The spots on the alien reflect its corrosive traits. The four limbs of the alien are rubber gloves and rubber boots, making it a significant feature to identify ammonium hydroxide. The top of the head is actually inspired by the rubber gloves.

Acetic Acid
Characteristic: Acetic Acid, also known as ethnic acid, is a flammable and corrosive chemical element. Due to the characteristics of corrosive, spots are visible on the body of the alien. It is a clear colourless liquid with a strong odour of vinegar. Acetic Acid is used in arts and crafts and office supplies. To coordinate the usage and the look of the alien, the silhouette of the glue has been added as the main structure for the alien. The top of the alien is inspired by squeeze bottle glue with glue oozing out from the mouth and tip.

Barium Hydroxide
Characteristics: Barium hydroxide has the chemical formula Ba(OH)2. It is poisonous in nature. It can harm your skin, eyes, and fingers. Inhalation of barium oxide can harm the respiratory tract. Thus, it is designed to focus mainly on the globe mask-like structure to signify toxicity. With gas surrounding the mask, which has long wires connected to a mechanism to which the alien is holding, shows a pesticide sprayer since one of the uses of barium hydroxide is a test for sulphides; in pesticides. Minor details include the main inspiration of the silhouette of the alien depicting a more reptile-like figure to show them being natural predators of insects. The colour of the skin is purple in shade (scales match the pH value).

Caesium Hydroxide
Characteristic: Caesium hydroxide is in the form of a crystalline solid that is harmful to the eyes and skin. Caesium hydroxide is a strong base that can dissolve through glass. Hence the alien is designed in a crystal shape. To replicate its strong base characteristic, crystals are added that are pointing out from the body and head part. The colour used on the alien is a slightly warmer tone as it will look more like a stone if it is in a darker tone. There are shadows and highlights added on the alien to give off the shining effect of crystals. 

Calcium Hydroxide
Characteristics: Calcium Hydroxide has the chemical formula Ca(OH)2. It's used in industrial settings, such as sewage treatment. Hence this characteristic is shown by the sewage pipe legs and the poop icon on the shirt. Soap is prepared by a process called saponification in which triglycerides react with sodium hydroxide, the soapy texture is represented by the bubbles on the antenna, body and legs.

Potassium Hydroxide
Characteristic: Potassium hydroxide can be found in liquid drain cleaner and varnish remover that is why it is drawn in oily liquid form for the body and it has bubble and sparkle elements beside the alien. Other than that, flake texture is one of the properties that have been added to the character design. Besides that, Potassium Hydroxide is the strongest base so we give it a strong muscular body. The colour of the alien is purple mixed with blue following the pH value scale.

Sodium Hydroxide
Characteristic: Sodium Hydroxide can be found in cotton fabric which is why we decide to make the shape of the body like a cotton fur ball. Besides that, flake texture is one of the properties that have been added to the character design and Sodium Hydroxide will irritate our skin and eyes have also been added in character design. The colour of the alien is purple following the pH value scale 

Carbonic Acid
Characteristic: Carbonic acid is a weak acid. Carbonic acid is widely used in the preparation of bubbly drinks such as sodas, soft drinks, sparkling wines, and aerated beverages. As carbonic acid is widely used in the beverages industry, thus the shape of the soda can become the body of an alien. The colour green is used on the alien and is based on the universal indicator.

Hydrochloric Acid
Characteristic: Hydrochloric acid occurs as a colourless, nonflammable aqueous solution or gas. Hydrochloric acid has an irritating, pungent odour and it is classified as a strong acid. It is a component of gastric acid found in humans and most animals. Therefore, the alien is light orange which matches its ph value. It has a rounded transparent body which represents gas. The face and features of the alien are designed as a skeleton to show that it is highly corrosive. The expression and bulky body show that the alien is a strong acid. There are highlights and shadows added to the body to give off the amber look which shows that it is transparent. The bone structure is coloured brown and the body is in yellowish orange which is also a warm tone.

Aluminium Hydroxide
Characteristic: Aluminum hydroxide is a medication used in the management and treatment of acid indigestion. It is in the antacid class of drugs. Aluminium hydroxide is used for the relief of heartburn, sour stomach, and peptic ulcer pain and to promote the healing of peptic ulcers. Thus, the character into a nurse with a chubby body. The chubby body makes it look less strong as it has a pH value of 7 which is neutral. Its expression shows that it suffers from a sour stomach. The alien has no legs and it floats around with liquids dripping off its body. The uniform worn by the alien is blue with some parts highlighted in red colour. The blue on the uniform is also a muted tone to match the green colour of the alien.

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