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Anna Vallario Rookies 2019

Anna Vallario Rookies 2019

Anna Vallario
by Anna Yang and annamation on 28 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

I'm excited to share my best work from this school year - it's the first time I've been able to focus on design and animation. I'm looking forward to more opportunities to learn more softwares and more styles, and to collaborate more.

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1.) 2019 Reel

This is my reel, created in March of 2019. It is an accumulation of the work I have created since September 2018. It was all compiled in AfterEffects.

2.) "Imagination!"

The brief for this project specified that we had to use live action footage in any way - most choosing to bring something animated into a live action setting, or put a live-action asset into a 2D space. I chose to film and then rotoscope from the footage I got. 

Project Breakdown:

I chose rotoscope for this project because it was a way of combining the possibilities of imagination with a fun and playful tone, a feeling I wanted to articulate in this mock-commercial for the Nintendo Switch. In all, I filmed on digital camera, rotoscoped frame by frame at 8fps with photoshop, and animated transitions with keyframes in AE.

3.) The Shape of Water Title Sequence

In collaboration with Katherine Nowak, Jazmin Reid, and Amelia Dempsey. Design by: Anna Vallario. Modeling by: Anna Vallario and Jazmin Reid. Lighting by: Jazmin Reid. Animation by: Anna Vallario. Illustration by: Amelia Dempsey. Editing and sound design by: Katherine Nowak. Production opening and ending logo by: Anna Vallario.

Project Breakdown:

In this assignment, we were asked to create a newly imagined title sequence for an existing show or film - the imagery and method was supposed to not resemble the work's existing title sequence. We could choose 2D or 3D, and we chose a blend of 3D (in Maya) and 2D illustration to represent the symbols we chose for each character.

4.) "Better Beans"

This project is in collaboration with Anna Yang. She led our design, and I led our animation. We both shared working on illustrating and animating. Currently, it is still a work in progress.

The requirements for this project was to research specific design trends in history and clearly apply them to your style. 

Project Breakdown:

Taking inspiration from modernism, cubism, Memphis style, and other specific digital designers, we sought to create a mock-commercial for a coffee brand that prides itself on sustainability and environmental impact. We chose to animate mainly with keyframes in AE, with supporting frame by frame details where needed.

5.) "Poetry at Night"

For this project, we were asked to represent words in an abstract way. I chose to illustrate the words from my favorite poem, "My Darling Turns to Poetry at Night" by  Anthony Lawrence. The poem is about appreciating the smallest details of a person you love; comparing their individual complexity to that of a well-written poem.

 Project Breakdown:

Using AfterEffects, and creating assets in Illustrator and Photoshop, this animation relies on keyframes.  I used symbolic representations of the key points of the poem throughout.

6.) "A House That Knows You By Name"

In collaboration with writer Jordan McDonald, in using her writing as my script and her voice for the voiceover.

We were challenged with illustrating a story with a voiceover for this project. I was able to illustrate and amplify the words of the script, which speak on Jordan McDonald's experience in trying to find 'home' - a place that is safe, and where she is understood. She generalizes this experience to reach all people who may be part of a marginalized group, and can only find a home and true acceptance within themselves, or with those who have the same experience as them. In part two, McDonald articulates more specifically about her experience as a Black woman in America.

 Project Breakdown:

I attempted to blend photographed collage elements with 2D, lineless illustration for the style, because I wanted a way to make a serious, real life, and grounding topic maintain its weight and impact, while allowing it to extend from her specific experience to other similar experiences. 

While relying on keyframe animation, I also animated frame by frame transitions.

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