Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Universe Within

The Universe Within

by bimoss on 22 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A design collection based upon the idea of inner universe , as "we are the universe ,experiencing universe itself". The design collection is consist of 5 ensembles (women's wear) exploring the subjects like universe , consciousness and chakras.

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I am a fashion designer with a specialization in 3d fashion design. My skills include creating virtual clothing, 3D rendering, digital patternmaking, and grading. I am passionate about utilizing technology to push the boundaries of fashion design and bring new and innovative ideas to the industry. I see a bright future for virtual clothing, with the integration of AR and VR technology. This technology will allow consumers to experience clothing in a completely new way, and I believe it will become an increasingly important aspect of the fashion industry. As a designer, I am excited to explore this new frontier and to continue to develop my skills in this area. I see my career growth in the field of 3d fashion design as limitless. I am constantly seeking out new technologies and techniques to improve my craft and stay at the forefront of the industry. I am excited to see where this field will go in the upcoming future and am dedicated to being apart of this evolution.

The submission details for the contest are as follows :

Project-  Design Collection

Category-  Digital Fashion

No. of garments-   5 ensembles (women's wear)

Theme- The Universe Within


The study of the universe has always captivated human beings, evoking a sense of awe and wonder. However, an equally profound journey awaits us when we turn our attention inward. By delving into the depths of consciousness, ancient wisdom traditions have long recognized the intricate connection between the individual and the universe. This Theme explores the profound interplay between consciousness, chakras, and meditation, ultimately revealing the fascinating concept that we are not only part of the universe but also the universe observing itself.

1. Consciousness: The Fabric of Existence:

Consciousness is the fundamental aspect of our being that gives rise to our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It is the lens through which we perceive and interact with the world. Just as the universe is vast and interconnected, our consciousness too extends beyond the boundaries of our physical bodies. It is a universal phenomenon that connects us to everything around us, fostering a sense of unity and oneness.

2. Chakras: Energy Centers of the Self:

In various spiritual traditions, chakras are considered as vital energy centers within the human body. These chakras, depicted as spinning wheels of energy, are believed to be interconnected and associated with specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The seven main chakras, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, represent different levels of consciousness and aspects of our being. Balancing and harmonizing these energy centers through meditation and other practices can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and a deeper connection to the universe.

3. Meditation: Gateway to the Universe Within:

Meditation serves as a powerful tool for exploring the universe within. By quieting the mind and turning our attention inward, we can tap into the vast reservoirs of consciousness that lie beyond the surface-level thoughts and distractions. Through meditation, we can cultivate self-awareness, expand our consciousness, and explore the interconnectedness of all things. As we dive deeper into the silence within, we begin to dissolve the boundaries between ourselves and the universe, experiencing a profound sense of unity and interdependence.

4. You Are the Universe Observing Itself:

At the heart of the exploration of the universe within lies the captivating concept that we are not separate entities merely existing in the universe, but rather, we are an intrinsic part of it. In this perspective, the universe is not just an external phenomenon to be observed, but it is also an integral aspect of our own being. As we deepen our understanding of consciousness, awaken our chakras, and explore through meditation, we come to realize that the observer and the observed are fundamentally intertwined. We are the universe experiencing itself subjectively, contemplating its own existence.


The journey of exploring the universe within, through the lenses of consciousness, chakras, and meditation, is an awe-inspiring voyage of self-discovery. By recognizing our interconnectedness with the cosmos and embracing the idea that we are the universe observing itself, we tap into a profound sense of unity, purpose, and wonder. As we embark on this inner odyssey, we not only enrich our individual lives but also contribute to the collective awakening of humanity, fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of all existence.


Tent dress with circular vents in the front accommodating circular folds, with flowing liquids print to resemble cosmic clouds. Sleeves are circular accordion pleated patterns.


A short sheath dress with broken titanium aura crystal textured print with stylized graduating vertical paneled spirals from the side seam. A triangle shaped hole depicts the portal to the inner self.


 A bodysuit with allover fractal  inspired print and open circular pleat from knee level to hem. Overlapping sleeves and paneled upper bodice (front) with a raise effect.


(a) A crop jacket with stylized and raised neckline and overlapping upper sleeve.(b) A gown with circular inverted accordion pleats in the middle (lower part) , a caged crinoline inside allover gemstones and crystal textured print. Protruding spiral panels on the front corset panels.


(a) A long jacket with all over chakras print, tear drop gradient panel in the front and raised side pocket effect. (b) A crop top with gradient circular panel in the front. (c) A  baggy overlapping cut trouser to create spiral around legs.



The Collection

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