Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Character Design Portfolio 2023

Character Design Portfolio 2023

Sara Garcia Marin
by Saragarciamarin on 26 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Last year I finished my master's degree in concept art at Voxel School and now I'm full time working as a lighting technician while pursuing my goal to become a concept artist. This year's entry doesn´t have much work but I'm proud of the improvement I've done so far and I hope you can appreciate it too. See you! :)

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Redesigning Aura

I presented you with my worldbuilding project in my Rookie Awards 2022 entry. Last year was my first year studying art and after 12 months of studying the bases, I thought this could be an opportunity to see the improvement so far so I decided to redesign the main character of my story, Aura.

Aura is a cursed woman who seeks vengeance. She is not a bad person but is willing to do whatever she needs to find the people who killed her family.

She has been cursed since her family was killed, she knows there's something related between the curse and the accident but doesn't know what it is. Her power comes from her curse, and it hurts every time she uses magic.

As many of us do, I have a story written for her and the world around her but for now, this is all I can show you.

Demon Sniper

I love how artists like Suke, Konstantin Maystrenko, TB Choi, and many more work on the design of characters for video games, this time I used as a reference the characters of Valorant. The colors and how dynamic they look were the main goal while designing this, as I like to call her, Demon Sniper.

The prompt were two words: ink and dragon.

As you can see there´s a lot of difference between the first design and the last one and that was because at first, I didn't have any kind of workflow or security about her design.

She went through a lot of stages and in this case, the turning point was to ask for feedback from some of my artist friends, thanks to them I pushed the design and risk a little more and for that, I'm super happy with the final result.

I gave her weapons because every Valorant agent has one. This is the one I finished but the goal is to design two more: a knife and a short gun.


She was the first character I finished after my master's degree. I can't show the process because I lost all the PSD files but I want to present you to her because making her was a turning point for me, I realized I could work under pressure with a limited date and ended up with an interesting design.

Animation Short - Character and Environment design

During my master, I did some visual development work for an animated short that never got to be finished.

I took part in the development of the main character, one secondary character, the main character's room, and some props.

Main Character

Secondary Character

Environment and props

Unnamed Character Design

"Crush the Coco!"

At first, I only wanted to design a character with a much simpler design and a more cartoony look. The prompt I gave myself was a word: fruit and the result was the little coconut guy with a leave on its head. 

I felt curious about how it would look the rest of the world as if they were for a video game. How would the enemies or the main character look? And how about the rest of the NPCs... For that, I had to come up with a simple synopsis of the video game story:

"The protagonist has to end with a coconut cult that is brainwashing and enslaving the people of a little island. How? Smashing all the cocos"

This is what I've done so far.

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