Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
2B - NieR: Automata Fanart

2B - NieR: Automata Fanart

by C2 on 15 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello! This is my entry for the Rookie Awards 2023 Contest! It's my version of 2B from the awesome game Nier: Automata. I hope you'll like it!

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Hey! This is my version of 2B from NieR: Automata. It originally was my work for my 2nd Semestrial Project assignment at New3dge which I then refined to make it look like a VFX Character. Hope you'll like it!

As the original assignment was to recreate a figurine, I strongly referenced the Prime 1 statue, especially for the pose.

Texture XYZ face alphas were used for the skin pores high-poly, 3dscanstore albedos were projected with xNormal, grooming such as hair, eyebrows and eyelashes were all made in Maya with XGen and then exported to 3dsMax as geometry.

Here you can have a look on how the project evolved over time:

First submitted assignment render compared to the last iteration

Many aspect changed but here is a quick summary: XGen was used for hair generation, materials were overally reworked for a higher quality and to follow the character design as depicted in the original game, props were correctly modelled and textured, the high-poly character was polished by taking into account the feedback I got, feathers were made in a realistic way, along with slight pose and anatomy changes.

Achieving a convincing velvet material was pretty challenging and I struggled a lot to get it right, especially from up close. It's still not quite there but I did my best haha

The only time I used Substance Painter was for the texturing of the Pod and her Katana. The character itself was textured and shaded directly in 3dsMax to be rendered in V-Ray.

Here are some screenshots of the textured props:

Overally the project was a lot of fun to do. I really like making characters and 3d character artist would really be my dream job. I hope that I can use the mistakes and shortcomings of this project to grow as an artist so that my next projects keep on getting better and better!

Thank you for taking a look at my work, have a nice day!

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