Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Yi_UE4 Environment

Yi_UE4 Environment

by xzheng on 2 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

This UE4 environment was based on Palmyra, which is a Middle Eastern-style culture. The player needs to solve the puzzles in the Sky God's temple and prove he/she has the power of the new fire goddess.

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Here are the screenshots of my senior thesis game "Yi". The environment was based on Palmyra, which is a Middle Eastern-style culture. The player needs to solve the puzzles in the Sky God's temple and prove he/she has the power of the new fire goddess.

I was fully responsible for the lighting, set dressing, and composition for the game. All assets are created by Maya and Zbrush. The whole environment was made in Unreal Engine 4.

Screenshots in UE4


Player Character

Yi is an apprentice fire goddess. She looks young although she is more than 100 years old. She was awakened for the vacant fire god position. She needs to prove herself to be the new fire goddess.


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