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Portfolio 2023

Portfolio 2023

Jurrian Witmans
by JurrianW on 14 Apr 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

My name is Jurrian Witmans. I am a third year student at The Netherlands Filmacademy. Here is a snippet of some of my latest work. I specialise in Character/Creature Modeling.

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Portfolio 2023

A chimp by the Water

I worked on this project with Wouter Engering. I was responsible for creating the CG chimpanzee. I did: modeling, texturing/lookdev, grooming, rigging, animation, lighting and rendering. Wouter was responsible for compositing.

I have alway thought chimpanzees were terrifying.
The first thing is that they are close to, but not quite human. I distinctly remember a visit to the zoo where I saw two chimpanzees come out of the bushes walking upright. I felt like I had gone back in time and was watching prehistoric humans.
Secondly I find the facial expression of chimpanzees unsettling. It feels like you can almost see a hint of emotion but in the end you really don’t know what is going on in their head.

I wanted to try and capture these two aspects in this project.

Digi Double

For my personal school assignment this year, I am working on a Digi Double of a fellow student. I wanted to learn as much as possible about creating a human face so everything is done frome scratch, sarting with a sphere. This is still a work in progress.

Creature Creation

For this school assignment I created a speculative evolution of a vulture. I was heavily inspired by the serie Prehistoric Planet, therefore I also used some of David Attenboroughs narration from this serie.

I was responsible for all aspects of this project.


This project started because I wanted to recreate my cat in 3d. I had a lot of fun figuring out what part of the face makes a cat distinct. When it was done I also created some different colors to see what my cat could have looked like.


I was inspired to create a crocodile after I found an alligator in the ZeeZoo in Zbrush. The result turned out really well.

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