View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
The Food Store

The Food Store

by wongyikai on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A mysterious restaurant that opens to serve the spirits who live among the woods, but the smell of the food often attracts humans who are lost in the forest.

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The Food Store

The food store is a small diorama of a Japanese style food store in the woods, inspired by Spirited Away. 

This project is created using Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, and UE4. This is a very early project of mine and the first project I tried using sculpted meshes, self-made texture, trim sheets and vertex painting. All meshes in the diorama were created by me. Most of the textures came from or Substance Painter apart from the posters, which I found online, and the floor tile, which was created in Substance Designer.  

Late in the production, I also try adding some VFX elements into the diorama, the falling leaves were created using Niagara and I used the smoke effect in the starter content of UE4 due to time constraints. 

Screenshots of the diorama.

All the static meshes in the diorama.

Zbrush sculpted meat from low poly to high poly.

Trim sheet usage visualized in level.

Texture: Base Color, Normal, AORM (ambient occlusion, roughness, metallic).

Creating floor texture using Substance Designer.

Lamp blueprint, to turn on and off the lights by changing the intensity of the spotlight component attached to it and the emissive on the light bulb.

Leaf foliage. 2x2 Sub UV leaf texture.

Falling leaves Niagara system, using the same texture as the foliage.

Use gravity force to make the leaves fall, use Sub UV animation, Curl Noise Force, Sprite Rotation Rate to break repetitive, and use Scale Sprite Size to make the appearing and disappearing of the sprite more natural.

Using masked plane to create shadows of tree branches and cloud movement.

Thank you for viewing my work. 


Email: [email protected]

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