View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Lost in Nature

Lost in Nature

by GeremiaMerzari on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

I've always wanted to make an environment where Nature plays a big role, The environment was made in the latest update of Unreal Engine 5, with realtime lighting. The theme "Ruins" helped me to dive into interesting compositions where nature and architecture meet in one single place and share the spotlight! I di

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Lost in Nature - UE5

I've always wanted to make an environment where Nature plays a big role, The environment was made in the latest update of Unreal Engine 5, with realtime dynamic lighting.

The theme "Ruins" helped me to dive into interesting compositions where nature and architecture meet in one single place and share the spotlight!

I didn't follow a single concept, rather collected different pieces of concept arts and real life landscapes to then experiment with composition and lighting, while giving it my own spin. I think that was the most challenging part, come up with an artistic composition, while at the same time pay attention to the realism of the scene.

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