View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Grim Adventures

Grim Adventures

Ashlyn Smith
by Ashlyn on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Original character and environment concepts. No 3d models were used in the making of this project. Welcome to the world of Captain Grim and her first mate 'The Kraken'.

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Say hello to my original character Captain Grim, a fearsome Vampirate. I originally created this character for a challenge at CG Spectrum, but I liked the design so much that I wanted to expand on the story. Grim has the ability to control shadows with her sword, forming them into deadly shapes and blasts. This cold and calculating vampire captains a large ghost-like ship called The Reaper. 

This is my design for Captain Grim's first mate. I wanted to create a character that would contrast the captains design but still fit the desaturated theme. Zora's design is based off an octopus and the fireworks jellyfish. Zora's gauntlets allow her to manipulate water into any shape she wants, preferably a set of water daggers. I went through a lot of designs before I picked the current one and  even then she went through a final redesign before I moved onto color.

These are the color variations for Zora, I decided to use a mix of numbers 5 and 6.

Thumbnail ideas for the first mate.

Here are some doodles and expressions of the two pirates.


This is a game level concept of Captain Grim's ship.

I wanted to explore the idea of a secret cove that would lead to a pirate hangout, where Grim and her crew would go to get supplies. This is the entrance to the hangout.

Here's the process and thumbnails for the hidden cove.

Welcome to the Blacksmith's Workshop, a place for pirates to buy any type of sword, gun, or canon, for the right price of course.

Thumbnails and color variations.

Beatboards for story exploration and shot type practice.

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