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Anouk Donkers tech art portfolio 2022

Anouk Donkers tech art portfolio 2022

Anouk Donkers
by AnoukDonkers on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi! My name is Anouk Donkers, I am a technical artist and here is a collection of some of the projects I made in the last year. I love creating tech art tools, and hope you enjoy seeing my progress!

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Cauldron swamp ruins

I have always wanted to create a full environment using Unreal Engine, so I decided to create a cool ruins environment using the new features in Unreal Engine 5.

I used Quixel Megascans and I created some of the foliage myself, it was a lot of fun to try out different things with the lighting!

Procedural building generator

I created a tool in Houdini that generates buildings using your own modular assets, every floor is customizable so you can create any building you want!
Working on this tool was so much fun, and I definitely improved my math skills by a ton.

The tool is made in Houdini, the renders are made in Unreal Engine and the modular assets are from Quixel.

Procedural landscape generator

Creating a fully generated procedural landscape was definitely a challenge. But I learned so much during this assignment! All the tools were created in Houdini and work in Unreal Engine.

The tool consists out of 5 different components:
- Height field loader
This tool loads your heightfield into Unreal Engine.
- River tool
Use a spline to generate a river over your landscape, the river will automatically generate a flow map to make your river flow nicely!
- Layer generation
This tool will generate landscape layers on top of your landscape, this is all based on sliders you can adjust in Houdini, for example create a snow layer on high peaks facing away from the sun, or create a nice riverbank next to your generated river.
- Cliff generation
Generate cliffs on steep parts of your heightfield, adjust sliders to control how many cliffs need to be generated.
- Scatter meshes
Use your own meshes in the input of this tool to scatter them over the landscape, this works for example really well with trees! Assign a landscape layer to say it should only generate on specific parts of your landscape.

Scatter meshes script for maya

I love using python to create tools for 3D software I use. I really wanted to create a nice, easy and fast scatter tool for Autodesk Maya. One of the main focusses I had for this script was to make it very interactive and user friendly.

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