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Santi Arderíus García
by ardesantiarde on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This has been a busy year so far. Here are some of the things I've worked on.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Welcome to our peaceful little forest.

Beneath the canopy, you will find the warm and the cold,

the old and the young,

the brave and the wary.

You will find that we are all very different folk, and yet,

we all believe in the power of friendship.

Friends can heal a broken smile,

and even better, make you laugh,

friends bring bitter halves together.

The world is made brighter with friends. 

Canopy of Seasons is a world themed around the cycles of nature and friendship. Things may seem wholesome and happy at first, but something's wrong...

The caretakers

They saw the first shoots of the canopy grow through the layer of ashes and were the first to live among the trees. Yevga, with the strength of forty workers, built their log cabin in a few days. Belbog can turn the blandest ingredients into the most amazing dinner, and can feed a whole family with a single grain of wheat.

Best buddies

Wander through the forest for long enough and you're bound to hear the sneezes of Sribog ("Patches"), god of the wind. Look up and you may see Gogbog working; her job is to paint the leaves when the trees start to shiver. They are best friends: Patches likes to mend his tunic with Gog's best work.

Shifting sisters

There is always someone awake at the observatory guiding the celestial bodies across the sky. If you visit at dusk, you will find Matga spreading the stars on the night vault; if you visit at dawn, Zorgya will be there, pulling the sun over the horizon.


Rundga is the captain of the Grinning Globe. She's always aloft, cursed to never set foot on firm land again. Luckily she is not alone, as a mischievous creature by the name of Domobi has hitched a ride and decided to amuse her with a new prank every day. Wherever she moves her craft, rain and storms follow shortly after.

Ritual keepers

Dead things must be let to rest. Proper rituals ensure the cycles continue in an adequate manner. Protocols must be observed, every detail watched carefully. Morga finds the poor things. Glavog takes care of them.

Tiny guides

Around the forest, piles of river rocks sometimes start to move on their own. They even seem to have faces. If you follow them, they always lead you to the same place: one of Glavog's headstones. Then, they just stand there, looking at it with an empty expression.

Not everyone is friendly.

Yevga and Belbog's cabin at the heart of the forest.

Speedpaints, 3 hr each

Concepts for prop building

Idea for a trench warfare 3v3 game with animal characters

Various studies I liked

Random sketches

Chaos daemons

Speculation about future Pokémon reveals

Mixing maya and Zhou/Ming aesthetics

Flying car designs

Some heraldry for our Foxhole regiment

Character mashups

Midjourney overpaint

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