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Tarraso Rémy - 3D Game Environments

Tarraso Rémy - 3D Game Environments

by TARRASORemy on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

I discovered my passion for Game Environments during my training in Game Art at Game Academy school. My first days on Unreal engine 5 six month ago truely boosted me to learn new technics and improve myself. Here are my latest works, all done as part of school project.

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Pokemon Modular Village fanart

3 weeks with first contact on unreal engine

This work was made in 3 weeks at Game Academy as a first training in Unreal engine 5 Early Access. The objective here was to learn how to do a modular kit and create texture smartly and fastly. I truly enjoyed learning level building on unreal engine 5.

Here is a Youtube video to see the complete scene in real time with particule and foliage effect.

The Oriental internal courtyard

4 weeks time work

 Currently in 3rd and final year of studying, the objective here is to show what I am capable of with what I learned, all from a concept that I like.

I truly enjoyed creating this interior environment.

The hardest thing for me was the lack of information and the need at times to adapt to game constraints.

Environment from an amazing concept art of QINGXI-z :

Monster Hunter World Fanmade environment

This work was made in 2 weeks at Game Academy as an examen in Unreal engine 5 with COSTA Manon and BERTAUD Mathéo.

The objective here was to do fastly a natural environment from Monster Hunter World with other students who make creatures during the same time.

I truly enjoyed making an adaptable environment and habitat for the creatures.

The hardest thing was to make something dense and convincing in only 2 weeks.

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