View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Paolo Dupuy - Environment Art

Paolo Dupuy - Environment Art

by iskillia on 31 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Here's my entry for "The Rookies 2022". Recently graduated from ARTFX School as an environment artist, you will find the overview of my personal and school projects made during my time as a student. All the projects done in UE4

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Warsaw Metro - Real-Time Environment on UE4

It's a reproduction of a metro station called Stare Bielany in Warsaw, Poland.

This was first an exercise at school during a workshop we had with Simon Besombes, Senior Environment Artist at CD Projekt Red.

After the workshop I decided to finish and go further.

The Hunt

I was Environment Artist on The Hunt, our end of studies project with the team Hyena Dynamite!  I was in charge of all the environment from A to Z, texturing, modeling, sculpting, lighting, FX's, shaders, worldbuilding and concept. And I had the help of Amandine Marest on the foliage and Thomas Bruyneel on props.

The game is avalaible for free on download:

I made the environment based on the level design made by Henri Bessou.

The Hunt - Keyart

I used all the assets made for the game to redo a composition as epic as I could and make the keyart In the engine directly.

The Hunt - Alien Krypt

This is the beginning of the game. It's a cinematic prop that is used in the real-time cinematic at the very beginning, inside and from close. And during the game from far (we can see it if the player turns back). I had to do a really iconic place because it's where the player finds the artifact and it's the beginning of his adventure.

The Hunt - The Canyon Path

It's the first playable zone of the game where the player learns how to play. Here I had to establish an environment grammar to well guide the player and keep logic and lore.

This is only the beginning of the game. On this playthrough,  you can see all the environments I made and that InGame:

Old Sanctuary - Real-Time Environment on UE4

I decided to create a fantasy/ancient interior to train myself and make my first complete environment, gameready, on UE4.

I learned many technics to improve and improve step by step the quality of the texturing, the lighting, the atmosphere of the scene. And finally I'm quite satisfied of the result so here it is!

(To precise, I made all from scratch and the concept is mine.)

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