View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


Nicola Petch
by NKPetch on 22 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

A documentary style comedy short following the journey of a hungry lesser Anteater, with a surprising outcome...

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Tamandua is a CG/VFX Short from students at the University of Hertfordshire: Joshua Hockey, Nicola Petch, Lewis Reynolds, Josefina Sales Ramirez and Ivaylo Yanev. We follow the journey of a curious lesser Anteater looking for his next meal, with surprising results!

Early concept and developments of the film looked at both greater and lesser anteaters, as well as storyboarding narrative and shot structures. We wanted to create something as photo real as possible for our current skill level, whilst leaning into short form narratives; relying heavily on adverts and comedy shorts featuring CG creatures. 

Full CFX breakdown by Ivaylo Yanev. Our skeleton model was provided by the Idaho Virtual Museum with clean up and optimisation by Josefina Sales Ramirez. This was used as the foundation for the base mesh by Lewis Reynolds, who was the Lead Animator on the project. All muscle, skin and fat CFX was produced with Ziva by Ivaylo and Groom by Nicola Petch in Houdini.

Matte paints and compositing examples over our plate footage.

A side by side of development between the original film and improvements following feedback.

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