View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Bill || Original Short Film Trailer

Bill || Original Short Film Trailer

Jessica Nicolle Serra Palacios
by nicolleserra on 22 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

The world has fallen into chaos, robots roam every corner, townsfolk are unable to leave their homes. Bill and his small companion take on a new adventure to bring an end to the apocalypse so they can finally return to their normal lives.

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Short Film Trailer:

All the work behind this animation was done by me, from storyboarding to compositing, including backgrounds. 

Music used is by Supreme Devices and composed by Laszlo Marodi.

Character Model Sheets:

Bill is the main character of the story, starting off as a simple engineer but now finds himself in the middle of an apocalypse caused by creature like robots. 

Though he isn't alone and is constantly accompanied by a guinea pig, in this case named, Buddy. 
P.S. Bill isn't great at giving names.

The creature like robots in this world are mainly based off of insects, such as this one in which a centipede was used as reference. 

Progress Shots:

The programs used for the making of this animation were:

Blender: Used for creating the model of the town in which the character's encounter takes place.

Krita: Used for the final making of the backgrounds.

Toon Boom Harmony: Used for all the 2D animation work.

After Effects: Used for compositing the entire animation which lead to the final result.

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