View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Lennart Breede
Lennart Breede

Lennart Breede


I want to keep up a mentality of working hard, and sometimes taking a leap of faith when opportunities come my way.

10 years ago I put my sister's camcorder (shooting at a stunning resolution of 720x576) on a bench facing a swing and had my dog run behind one of the metal poles. I had recently purchased a copy of Magix Video Deluxe 16 (on CD-ROM). I copied the clip, lay it on top, froze it and cropped it to the left half of the screen. I then called my mum and showed her a video of Franka (our dog) disappearing behind this thin metal pole. My mum was confused, just like being shown a magic trick.

Learning: Lost Boys | School of Visual Effects

Skills: Houdini

Expertise: Visual Effects

  • Skipped Debut TBD
  • Skipped Player TBD
  • Skipped Contender N/A
  • Leveled up to Rookie Apr 05, 2019
  • Pro TBD


FX Technical Director
Vancouver, BC | Mar 2019 - Present

Current Education

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