Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Alaa Elbarbary

Alaa Elbarbary


I aim to become an art director one day and be able to create a thought-provoking experience which connects people in a verity of ways.

Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts was the first time I was able to define different concepts and ideas through multimedia process. at University I avidly worked with different technology and computer programs including 3D software, video editing software, image editing software and audio editing software.These experiences with different mediums and programs ignited in me an interest towards using technology, specifically computer generated 3D technology to connect with people.

Learning: Sheridan College

Skills: Adobe Photoshop Autodesk Maya DaVinci Resolve Nukex Substance Painter Zbrush

Expertise: 3D Animation Game Design & Development Immersive Media Motion Graphics Other Visual Effects

Excellence Award

Draft Selection

  • Skipped Debut TBD
  • Skipped Player TBD
  • Skipped Contender N/A
  • Leveled up to Rookie Jun 01, 2020
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

Sheridan College
Class of 2020

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