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The Herbalist

The Herbalist

Clémence Ellerbach
by CEllerbach on 24 May 2024

This is a project I worked on during my graduation year. This project is a mix of 3D and 2D. The character and foreground are in 3D, the background and some projected details are in 2D. Working on this project was amazing because as a 2D and 3D artist myself, I adore when these two mediums are mixed together.

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This is my Herbalist project. This project is a mix of 3D and 2D. The character and the foreground are in 3D with a hand-painted texture. The background is in full 2D. Then, in comp, I added 2D elements projected over the 3D to blend everything together.

Here are the main steps of the process : modeling, lighting, texturing, painting of the background. Then came the compositing and the projection of 2D details.

Render of the Herbalist 

Props that appear in the scene

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