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Le chant des crevettes

Le chant des crevettes

by yannlepretre on 24 May 2024

Create a stop-motion film to promote recycling using obsolete everyday objects.

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Client: Ministry of Ecology and Environment (Fictitious Project).

Request: Create a stop-motion film to promote recycling using obsolete everyday objects.

Concept: Adaptation of the legend of the Hummingbird. This Native American legend addresses issues of sustainable development and environmental protection.

One day, there was a massive fire in the forest. The terrified animals watched helplessly as disaster unfolded. All except the little Hummingbird, who was busy fetching a few drops with its beak to throw onto the flames. An annoyed armadillo, witnessing this futile activity, said to the Hummingbird, "You won't stop the fire all by yourself." The Hummingbird replied, "I know, but I'm doing my part."

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