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Wood carving

Wood carving

Eri Takeda
by EriTakeda on 25 May 2024

I spent 5 weeks creating this 3D artwork for Think Tank Training Center's Foundation Term project. I challenged myself by bringing Danijela Antunović's amazing concept into the the 3D artwork. I hope you'll like it!

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Wood carving

Comparison with concept

Close up

Turntable - clay & wireframe


Clay render with Xgen guide

Xgen Guide and Render

I created separate descriptions for the bangs and hair with a curl modifier for detailing.


Texture & shading

I used mari for texturing and rendered with Vray

Lighting & Compositing

Lighting buildup

- 22 rect lights
- 1HDRi
- 6 light block Planes

I used lightblocking for creating specific shadow

Light-group1 : Adjusting overall brightness and large shadows

Light-group2 : Adjusting the volume and shadow of the light on the ground, and the main light of the main character

Light-group3 : Adjusting the brightness of the character's eyelashes and candle light


Using Nuke, I adjusted the brightness of the light/the color of the whole scene and for each object, and I also blurred the background using depth information

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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