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Tomb Raider The last revelation Teaser Tribute

Tomb Raider The last revelation Teaser Tribute

by LorenzoCGI on 23 May 2024

Hi everyone! here is my latest artwork. It's a cinematic teaser of Tomb Raider, where Angelina Jolie plays Lara Croft. But this time she won't be alone. There will be another character from the series. A character who knows Lara croft very well. Who is he? Mr Von Croy plays by Christoph Walz.

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For this project i used texturing xyz for the skin texturing and for the hair cards for lara i used ( with some retouch) the hair from 3d scan store.

For the creation of the environment i tried replicated the environment of the game, with some differences, with the help of the assets from Megascan. The creator of that level used as reference the scene from Quentin Tarantino's film Reservoir Dogs. In addition to that i used as reference the famous hangar from indiana jones's film, check out Artist and also for the structure of the hangar this image

For the animation i used a combination of motion capture made by me with the help of metahuman animator and the amazing tool metapipe and the software iclone from reallusion.

For the music instead, credit goes to Elia Della Pola for the Main theme

and Dean Kopri for the intro and end track

Hope you enjoy!

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